[Ministry of Foreign Affairs] News

Day 1,239, 08:48 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CH

Dear fellow citizens,

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s Congress has recently declared France as its Natural Enemy with overwhelming majority (27-9). Following its formidable show of force in Italy, Macedonia confirms its status as the eWorld’s rising power and establishes itself as a key player in Europe by assisting its Polish and Spanish allies in conquering French territories.

The balance of power has been dramatically disrupted by the rise and coalition of Eastern European/Balkan powers within the Order of New eWorld (ONE), formerly known as New World Order (NOW). Terra – formerly known as PANAM - fails to establish itself as a truly global player and offer a credible alternative to this elite alliance.

Will political turmoil collapse Terra? This question might have seemed irrelevant a few days ago. In the meantime however, the President of Canada proposed a Mutual Protection Pact with Poland – a clear signal sent to their allies in view of the current situation in the Hexagon. The rising tensions between the two Northern American neighbors crystallized 3 days ago when Canada proposed the USA as Natural Enemy, a somewhat suspicious proposal skillfully disguised as a long-planned region swap project.

Beyond appearances and reassuring official statements, Terra is obviously passing through a period of uncertainty. Canada’s complete disregard for France’s fate highlights Terra’s weakness – i.e. its lack of cohesion and solidarity. Unless Terra confronts its demons, the already significant world disequilibrium is expected to widen over time.

Which are the consequences for Switzerland? France’s upcoming disappearance will secure one of our most unstable borders over a limited but presumably quite long period. It’s a commonplace to say that our small community can hardly compare with ONE’s demographic heavyweights. Our fate will thus closely depend upon our new neighbors’ dispositions towards Switzerland. How the upcoming raw materials reform will impact on geopolitics remains to be seen. But the government is determined to work towards tightening further its relations with its long-time Spanish and Polish friends and promoting Switzerland’s interests to its new neighbors.

Sincerely Yours,

eSwiss Minister of Foreign Affairs