[MDP] What Needs To Be Done

Day 1,551, 09:35 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

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Our Current CP
Change has already come to eCanada since the end of the four consecutive presidential months of Addy Lawrence has ended and Kronos Q has taken over presidency. It is most commonly thought that so far Kronos Q has done a good job so far acording to a popular survey by Alias Vision (here). I agree that this change and what Kronos has done so far is good.

Statement On PP Election Results
A somewhat unfortunate result came in the late PP elections, not so much that the MDP results were not what they were suppose to be, of which the problem has been resolved, but the PTO of Canada's leading party by Rolo Tahmasee.

Now I don't take or say anything personal in politics, and this is no exception. However the reputation of Rolo is somewhat disgusting to be on the poltical landscape. These include things such as public theft and bribery, I have only heard stories so in no way am I saying anything as fact and as I;ve already said as ap ersonal statement or attack towards Rolo. This is all I have to say on this.

Main topic: What Needs To Be Done

Now, the only thing that is possible to do is look, plan and act on and for the future, no matter what and how many set backs come I will always look ahead and never back. What comes next is the layout plan of that what needs to be done will be done under the MDP. This also gives a slight idea of what the currently unreleased manifesto if the MDP is about, however plese don't make any definite assumptions.


Congress is a place where improvements to the country are made by discussing ideas. There are two types of things that go on in congress: Problems and thier solutions, and national programs for social improvement (social including military in this context).

The inefficency currently in congress is that the problems are debated and not the solution, or at least to start with, which means it takes longer for solutions than need be.

To make this more efficent, congress needs a leader to set down what it is that congress needs to do according to each topic that arises in congress. Under the MDP, the powers of the speaker of congress will be extended in order to guide the other congress members to what they need to be doing. None of this "I disagree that this is a problem" nonsense, if you don't beleive someting is a problem then improve it anyway, only good will come whether the problem still remains, an improvement no matter how little is still better than whatever it was before.

Another change in congress that will begin soon is to push through guidelines for more or less every national program so decision making can be made quicker by "ticking off" needed things to decide on whether to accept a program or to give funding to a MU ect. Homer J Simpson has done a great job in congress regarding this, recently the MU building Act that is cuurently in UC. It was when i pointed out that the act would quicken decision making for MU funding for buildings that numerous congressmen who either said no ir were unsure chaged to a yes for it.

Overall, a more effective congress is what the MDP strives for. Nothing less will be aceptable by the MDP and should't be acepted by any citizen.

Political & Voting Apathy
This may not be a big problem, however it has to be done to activly encourage political participation by any and all citizens. If a citizen is a member of a party party leaders and thier organisers should welcome nad help them to become active in participating in the party. Just like your MU should be like your eRep family, your political party should be k=just as important. If all citizens are aware of party poltics then thier parties will have thier ideas to listen to and consider.

Where does the MDP come into this big solution?

There is more that could be written about, however what has been written here is probably more than enough to take in all at once. The MDP, with it's soon to be completed and new manifesto, has the ultimate aim to solve these problems anf bring Canada together into a complete community where everyone is involved. Democracy makes devison between the majority and minorities. Under a truely fair dictatorship that the MDP will deliver, everyone is equal in thier ideas and activities. It is planned to start commitees within the MDP which if successful will be pushed to become nationalized in each governemnt department (Ministry of defense ect.) Where anyone with an idea or something to say will be able to take part no matter what their experience or party. This unity and equality is what will make eCanada great. Only with the leadership of the MDP can and will this occur.

Join the MDP to contribute to the positive progressino of eCanada today while acheiveing personal experience.

This article could of been better written and prepared, but here you go, I wrote it and publsihed it in full honesty. I don't care about the way it was written, just take what it says.

In-game party link this image yo: