[MDP] Want a party? Try the MDP!

Day 1,472, 15:54 Published in Canada Ireland by Simon Boucher-Ruest

All right everybody, this might seem weird that I’m promoting the MDP, since I’ve been a CPP member almost all the time since I came back from the dead in June 2011. But during these last few weeks, I learned a lot of stuff about the MDP, as well as about CPP’s leadership.

First of all, we all know we want the UN, as well as Norsefire, out of the top 5. The easiest way to do this is going to be pushing the CVP as well as the MDP in. The CVP is already pretty close to making it, but the MDP might need some help. The MDP is a great party under entertaining leadership and willing to help out younger players to achieve greatness. But, more importantly, they admit being a dictatorship.

CPP, however, came under fire in the last PP elections for not holding a forum vote to determine its official candidate. At that time, I defended the procedure, AKA the current PP calling herself official candidate, as I thought it was made to ensure the success of the ATO. But today, I learned that that the Canadian Paradox Party could be called the Canadian Dictatorship Party. Today, after asking eCanadians to post their CP candidacies on the forum, CPP held a vote to decide who would receive the party’s nomination.

Current CP, Addy Lawrence, posted his nomination. Myself posted a candidacy as well. A third candidate, Tyrael Snow, couldn’t even bother registering on the forum to post his candidacy, so he PM’ed it to the current CPP leader. So what is the problem with that? The problem is that, as specified on the forum:

“If you are planning on running for CP on December 5th, you can announce your candidacy for CPP members consideration by creating a new topic in this section by November 30, 2011.”

Tyrael Snow didn’t respect the one simple rule we had, and was put on the ballot. Me, however, respected this rule, but was dropped off the ballot by our party president. I was pretty pissed when I learned that, because I always thought the CPP leadership was fair, and honest. But I realized it’s not.

So, if you’re going to join a dictatorship, don’t choose one that can’t assume being one, and make the patriotic choice. Join the MDP!