[MDP SK4CP] Personal Statement of Congress & Opening CP Candidacy Platform

Day 1,586, 19:38 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

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On Congress Election

Tomorrow is the day of the month when we elect our congress members for the upcoming term. I'd like to make a personal appeals to all readers to vote for their local MDP candidate.

Since the party's re-emergence into the political scene great party reforms have happened. A completed manifesto has been released which is a great step forward. Committees within the party are planned so the party reflects it's polices and E^3 (Effective, Efficient & Engaged government).

The MDP is calling for partisanship to fix our country's political landscape. Our manifesto addresses solutions to all other problems with the exception of currents event happening right now. The solutions for these current events will be given in my CP platform.

This transformation of the MDP has made the participating members of the party come so close together that I am proud to call the party I lead my small community. The large community obviously being the country itself.

The MDP and its members stand united in one voice, the voice of solutions and the betterment of our nation. It is for this reason that the MDP should be voted into congress. I ask the citizens of eCanada, our nation that has so much potential, potential that the MDP wishes and aims to pull out, to vote congress candidates of the MDP into position this 25th.

The MDP Congressional Stable

East Midlands - Sasha KammakitzJen
Saskatchewan - ultimate523
Quebec - pluiedesetoile
Newfoundland and Labrador - Connor MacLeod
Ontario - Homer J Simpson
Wales - osbornm
Nova Scotia - Exmongum
Alberta - cowboy28
Nunavut - ishabad
Yukon - Lord Nukem
Northwest Territories - Eric Last
Yorkshire and Humberside – Northraider

On Presidential Election- Opening Satement

My Platform:
1. Opening Statement

To come (order currently unspecified):
Economy, Foreign Affiars, Military, Government, Society, Politics
optionally: Current Events

The election after congressional is the country presidential election. I have already announced my intention to run. I am receiving great support and assistance from members of the MDP.

Detail I cannot possibly go into here, however my platform will consist of articles on the following: Economy, Foreign Affiars, Military, Government, Society, and Politics. As well as an undecided “Current Events” article that would directly give proper solutions to current issues, although this may already be done, scattered out the other articles.

My cabinet shall consists of the following postions:
-Vice President
-Minister of War
-Minister of Economy
-Minister of Foreign Affairs
-Minister of the Interior
-Minister of Immigration
(Application for a postion may be done through contacting me through PM in-game or in IRC.)

I expect no one to judge any CP candidate before their platforms are even started. I expect a fair election and that is the way to do it. Choose who you vote for based on their platforms and there will be no way any unfair election could possibly happen.

If platforms are what candidates should be judged by, then platforms are what should only be criticised. The moments you stop criticising what someone is saying and start attacking them personally, is the moment you demonstrate failure in your own argument and ability to accept defeat and understand that people learn and change.

If someone has made a mistake in the past, accepting that it was wrong, and also providing alternatives so it won't happen again, then attacking them for that mistake is the worst thing to ever do. I have already stated what it shows about you. It also shows that you look back, not forward, and looking forward is what the MDP does, and what I've always stood for.

Fixing mistakes are about finding solutions, and I hope for unity in fixing our nation as we work on implementing positive solutions, and advancing forward for the future.

I am Sasha KammakitzJen, dictator and CP candidate of the Military Dictatorship Party of eCanada. I look forward to working for the nation as it's absolute leader to prosper the nation and also its citizens as I work for and with those fellow citizens as CP.

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