[MDP] Fixing eCanada- A Call For Partisanship

Day 1,579, 12:36 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

^Forum Link is image Yo^

“Fixing” eCanada is something that has been talked about for quite a while now. This came in the calls for partisanship (article here) and a good congress (one article here). Although the EPC civil war conflict has covered up the discussions of these.

This, I believe, is the solution to cleaning eCanada's political landscape. What we need (and what the MDP stands for) is efficient, effective and engaged (E^3) government. What makes up government are politically active eCitizens who have gotten their position by being active in their political party.

What we need is citizens to join a party not on grounds of the best chance to get into congress, but join a party because that Party stand by the same policies and values as that individual citizen. If the country accomplishes this then it will also accomplish a clean government. Therefore breeding partisanship across political parties is the first step towards fixing the country.

How do we achieve this partisanship? Simply for parties to develop its ideology and platform of policies called a party manifesto. The MDP has recently released its completed manifesto (found here) and I am aware that there are at least a couple other parties working in their own such as the CPF, if I am not mistaken.

Going back to the two articles linked at the start of this article, I will quote part of Ultimate523's article on partisanship:

“We need new faces, and new ideas. And to support that, we need new parties. If you have ideas for a party, find others who would support you, and either take or make one of your own. We have enough small, useless parties that aren't even active, so go there, or even run in one of our major parties if you feel you can succeed. Don't be afraid to give Wally some competition in MOO finally.

We need parties based on concepts, and ideas. I remember back when I was a two clicker we used to have a communist party. Sure, the current parties have enough to be different from each other, but we shouldn't be working to be a little different, and then pay people to join. We should be working to have quality ideas that people like. Pay attention to what people stand for. Don't just vote for whoever either. Vote for who you feel is best.”

The MDP is always looking for new, active members to bring in new ideas to fix and progress eCanada. The MDP will also always support 6th parties in gaining congressional representation by allowing candidacy under the MDP banner (current 6th party sign-ups under MDP can be applied for here), this is despite whether the MDP supports that party or not. As of parties in the top 5, those are what the MDP has to compete against and the way this should go is to attack party policies, never should an individual be attacked unless purposefully manipulating for their own self benefit and not for their party.

Next to quote Wombatman25 about voting for congress:

“Do Not:

- Vote for someone because they have a cool avatar, you like their username etc…
- Vote for someone because they pay you in tanks.
- Vote for someone simply because they have been in congress before (clearly this means very little)


-Research candidates’ backgrounds and experience.
-Vote for candidates who make their platforms and priorities clear in articles.”

Even with partisanship, which would mean an individual's values are suppose to reflect the party they are in (and vice-versa), when you vote for a congressman you are voting for an individual, you should check their presentation carefully to see what they stand for and whether that reflects the party they are in. Exception to 6th party candidates, if a congress candidate can't get what party they run under right then maybe they shouldn't have the responsibility of being a congress member. If they are a 6th party running under the banner of a top 5 then that should be said in their presentation. Finally you should always check a candidates presentation no matter what. As of SVUs, they should only be used to get a serious candidate a seat over a candidate just wanting the 5 gold and then resign. However until more political awareness and partisanship is present this wouldn't be as effective as it is intended to be.

To Finish, I invite all readers to read the MDP Manifesto and think about it in terms of whether you agree/support it or not and whether MDP is a “good” party in your view. Basically in terms of do you think the polices are good for eCanada and is the MDP right for you over any other party.

General comments, critiques, questions etc. are welcomed under this article in the comments section.

In-game party link this image yo: