[McAfee01] A Manifesto of Resort

Day 1,311, 06:01 Published in United Kingdom USA by McAfee01
Dear Readers

I'm sorry if I have failed to return to my light hearted perspective of my previous manifestos, I doubt its appropriate to create something that lacks effort + contribution just for the sake of an extra few votes.

I come to you during a period of vital importance for our nation; after coming out of a long and difficult war with Ireland, we are now a turning point in our nations history. However, certain congressmen are potentially putting our nation at risk, due to their childish attitude and their inability to offer competency.

So, this month, I will be looking to run for re-election in my native region of Wales.

As MoFA during these past two month, I have witnessed through military actions that our nation's ambitions were kept. But is that enough?. As a minister, I have witnessed the erosion of independent thought from even our most seasoned of congressmen, who have to voice their own opinion, and mindlessly following the opinion of their more recognisable peers. Most fail to volunteer themselves towards the administration of government, for which I feel should be compulsory as a member of our Parliament.

As such, I bring you one overarching electoral promise that all congressman should (but some probably should be reminded of) commit to. POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I promise to the electorate that I will:

* Support all legislation that is responsible and looks out for the best interests of our country
* To epitomise responsible governance, and lead all opposition to proposals that risk the security of our nation
* To act against all petty proposals, and to oppose those who are potentially acting against the interests of our nation
* To involve myself with the administration of government

As proof of my competency of keeping towards these four simple rules, here is a list of my previous positions that I have held in government over the past year:

5x Congressman
1x Minister of Home Affairs
2x Minister of Foreign Affairs
2x Ambassador (MoFA)
3x Under Minister of Home Affairs
1x Head of Parliamentary Domestics Committee
1x Head of Recruitment Committee
1x PP (The Socialist Party)
1x Apprentice (MoF)
1x Lt Colonel (UKAF)

With our nation currently heading towards a collision course with our past decision and crucial points with our possible future direction, I feel it may be problematic for our congress to offer valuable and forthright without the contribution and independent thought of all congressmen. But through political responsibility, congress as a whole can ensure our commitment towards the interests of our nation, whilst removing the issues of self-interests of particular individuals who did not serve in the interests of the electorate who voted for them.

So, this 25th, in Wales, I ask you: vote for a candidate with intuition, competence and safety. A vote for McAfee01 is a vote for a political responsibility.

Thank you
