[Maximus] Campaign manifesto

Day 1,593, 16:45 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

I am making my 2nd attempt at the president post so here is my full manifesto

Military Goals
National Defence
We need to defend the regions we have if we are to have any hope of taking the country back we need to fortify our current regions and press a slow advance through the french to the canadian held northern regions a large sum will need to be spent on defences to maintain our nation.

National Military
We need to reform our national army with veteran officers to begin the reformation and after they have had time to get to know eachother and can work together well they will begin recruiting further under controlled terms to avoid the mess the unit they are replacing became.

Operation Firestorm
I cant tell you about that one yet but should I be elected I will be in touch with the MU commanders.

National Weapons Programme
I will open up a voulenter scheme to allow cheap sales of high level weapons this will open 3 jobs per factory and all profit will be donated to the treasury

Turtule Advance
We have be making a few counter attacks aginst the french this week and I am not the only people who think we are over reaching ourselves and need to consentrate on retaking our original regions

I will use the standard cabient system allowing each minister to appoint an assistant to their role

So far I have assembled a small list of my intended cabinet.

Mo😨 Pokeman ricently returning BFL commander an experienced officer and expert leader is my choice for MoD

MoFA: as much as I hate to admit it I would like Kravenn to become my MoFA he has much expeience in the post and I think would serve my administration well

Deputy CP: should he wishh to take on the post my first choice for the post is Tallon Kardie our current CP and the best we have had for months I can think of no better choice

As for the rest they are vacant and I am open to applications

So please consider me to become leader of our great nation so that together we can make it whole again