-Massachusetts Updates and More-

Day 465, 17:34 Published in USA Serbia by Julius Rodvigo

First of all thank you so much for reelecting me to a third term in office, for those 11 that supported me, thank you for your support. For those 11 that did not support me, I hope to gain your support by the end of the term.

My website is up and running and will continue to update when new proposals are made. This will also contain my basic ideals for government and the reasons I voted on certain proposals.


The Massachusetts Health Org is still up and running, and I urge all citizens needing wellness to contact it.


The proposal of War on Mexico and my views on it:

First off all war games were purposed and it was agreed on until a congress-member (who will remain nameless) suggested we just take them over. Immediately there was a large amount of support for this, as well as myself. This war will both stimulate our economy and allow our players to grow in levels. Since a majority of goons have taken over the Mexican government it wasn't entirely safe to trust them with 700g for war games.


I've supported all the increasing of these taxes for a variety of reasons.
1. Ask yourself, would you rather have a small and unorganized gov't/army and be able to keep that $5, or would you rather lose that $5 and see more war, better organization, and more chance at winning wars.
2. This will increase our nations coffers allowing us to focus on building projects as well as making our nation as safe and secure as can be.

I urge all of you to join the forums, (located here: http://eusforum.com/index.php ) there you'll be able to enjoy yourself and check up on my activity if you so wish.

If anyone has questions or ideas please either voice them here or message me.

Thank you,

~Julius Rodvigo~