-Massachusetts reports and Re-election-

Day 484, 19:28 Published in USA Serbia by Julius Rodvigo

Hello my fellow citizens,

First off I'd like to give you the URL of a few websites which will allow you to follow me more closely.




The first one is my personal website which will give you up to date Voting Records and my views on certain events. However, I've been busy over the past few days and have not been able to get everything up that I wanted.

The Second and the Third one are the Official Voting Records for ALL Congress Members.

I still urge everyone to ask Massachusetts Health Org for gifts is their wellness is lacking.

For all Congress hopefuls I ask that you donate 20USD to that this Org may continue to function.


During the next month I plan to tackle a few major events regarding Iron. I plan to ask China who posses 2 High Iron regions to agree on a deal that will benefit both nations.

I also want to work closely with Russia as we will have to move through their territory to get to China.

Diamonds however may be harder since Canada controls them and the only way we'd gain one of those regions is to give them a Northern Region such as North Dakota or something of the sort.

My activity can be shown by the amount of posts that I have on the forum: 455

When election day rolls around please vote for the best candidate who you think will represent you the best. Also, please look at my website (The first URL) as you'll get updated laws as well as my opinions on certain things.

~Julius Rodvigo~