~Massachusetts Congress Update and Health Org~

Day 445, 19:19 Published in USA Serbia by Julius Rodvigo

Hello and sorry for the delay of getting this out sooner.

First off I'd like to announce the creation of the Massachusetts Health Org. This Org will help the people of Massachusetts gain wellness by giving out gifts to those less fortunate, please just message this organization (which is run by me) and ask for wellness and/or food, also once you grow older and are able to support yourself please help the newer players and donate your spare cash. For you Congress hopefuls I except you to donate around $10-20 to this Org before running, and yes I've done this already for myself last term.


In other news I'm planning on making and releasing a website in which it will make it easier for you guys to check up on my day-to-day activities. I will let you know of this website in a shout out as well as in my next article. This spreadsheet will also give you a fair idea of how I'm doing so far in congress as of activeness.


My tax schedule will also change and will be released with the new website. If you have any questions regarding any of my policies please don't hesitate to ask even if it's just a message saying hello and regarding recent news, I always love a good chat.

Julius Rodvigo - Congressman of Massachusetts