[MaartenW] My trip to Turkey

Day 1,976, 07:27 Published in Turkey Netherlands by MaartenW
This article should have been posted … a long long time ago as the events happened last summer but at the start of the academic year is was too busy and I kind of forgot after that (sorry Gornicetli 😐 ) but better late then never! I hope this article will give others the same summer feeling I got when I saw the pictures again.

I went with my mother, stepfather and sister to Kuşadası for 9 days, there I've been meeting up Gornicetli 2 times! 🙂 The first time we met was in front of my hotel where he jumped out of a dolmush (or however it is written), after that we traveled to the city boulevard where I have drunk my first raki ever, Gornicetli adviced to combine it with fruit … darn … I like fruits but the combination tasted just heavenly!

Then we walked over the boulevard to the castle, it was closed already so decided to come back another time, Gornicetli insisted to make a picture of me 😐

When we walked back something strange happened, he walked up to a parked car, pulled open the door and sat down on the passenger seat. Before I could ask what he was doing he got a laptop on his laps and he started to rapidly press buttons until a big progressbar popped up on the screen, at this moment I though “my god … he must be working for a governmental intelligence organisation.” After he was done and the car drove off I asked him what that was all about “Oh that was just my boss, he had trouble installing Fifa 2012 which I downloaded for him” 😛

A few days later I ate with my family in the center and that is when I must have lost my travel wallet, luckily not much was in it but because of my insurance I still had to report it to the police, so I went to the local police station, outside was a policeman with an automatic rifle keeping guard, I passed him and walked into the main office room of the station. I stud in the door opening and for 2 seconds all of the police officers were staring at me then got out of their office chairs walked towards me while talking in Turkish and before I knew it one of the female cops was making pictures with her phone while the other officers were jumping next to me trying to match my hight (maybe you remember from my last article that I'm 2.05m tall.) In the end this all resulted in a group picture with me in the middle and all the police personnel (including the commissioner) next to me standing on their officechairs...

(I didn't have my camera with me unfortunately … so if someone of the Kuşadası police reads this … please send the picture to me!)

The second day I was meeting Gornicetli I went by myself (by dullmoose) a little early to see the city, after an hour I went to clime to the top of one of the mountains Kuşadası is build oppon, I had seen a statue there and I wanted to see it.

When I was on the top Gornicetli called me to tell me he was done working and to ask me where we should meet up, “I'm on the mountain next to the statue” “What!?!? You're with Atatürk ? How the hell did you get there?” 30 minutes later he was also up there and he explained to me he had never been here before … and then it was picturetime!

Meet Kuşadası!

Impossirbru … Atäturk is taller then me

Me and the Castle

This is a picture of the moon.

After this we went as promised back to the castle during sunset! Oh and here turks … have some nationalism;

I was finally able to make a picture of Gornicetli!

A tourist made one of us together!

My feeling when fighting in an Mediterranean Coast of Turkey resistance war

After eating a nice kebab it was time to say goodbye 🙁 I would leave the next morning

Thanks again so much Gornicetli be sure to contact me if you are ever visiting Holland and I'd love to come back someday!

Oh and I heard the photographer is looking for a lot of friendrequests so give to him!