[LSD] The hard results of the CP election.

Day 1,052, 11:49 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LSD Party Centre

Libertarian Social Democrats members,

We will not talk about the election results, you can find them here.
First of all we would like to thank Shakerr for his activity and time he did put into his candidacy. As the outcome of the % of votes* is very low it give us a good hope for the future with a candidate that almost got elected! Shakerr thank you!

Our new elected Country President.
The LSD is really worried about the new country elected president. We (and also many other citizens) know he is a very experienced and capable men for this job. However, we all hear and notice that this our country is dying*. And what is our CP doing?
It looks like he is killing our country even more.
Let us give the two most important points:
- First of all we didn’t see any report, article or communication towards the citizens last term. This is very sad. Not because we want to see it, but because our citizens need it. If we want to become a active country again*, the CP/gov and parties have to show that to new citizens.
- Second is related to the first point. We didn’t see any campaign for the last elections. We use the same argument as the first point for this. Show your activity, and get others active!* Especially in this time of inactivity in our country we need to show (new) citizens that there is a active community (CP/GOV/Parties)

* We based this on the statistics of last CP election votes:

We don’t want to ‘blame’ our CP for the current situation, but atleast we demand from him to show more activity towards the country and citizens. If not, the LSD is forced to start a impeachment. Something we do not favour at all, so lets hope our CP will take notice.

LSD members behaviour.
Last point we want to talk about in this article is the behaviour of our partymembers. The LSD clearly will not accept any incorrect behaviour! We have seen in the past that opinions of individual members really harm the LSD. With this we don’t mean you may not debate or have discussions any more. But please, we ask you to think twice, or even more, before commenting. And always try to debate with arguments vs arguments instead of looking at a name or partymembership!

** Dit is alleen een engelse versie. We hopen morgen een kortere nederlandse versie te kunnen publiceren.

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