~~Letter of Apology- The JaMat Case- & -The Shout Case~~

Day 424, 21:31 Published in USA Greece by Jeremy Hutchinson

Dear Readers,

I am now running for Congress/Vice President(maybe) so I think that it is time to say this, and clear this up.

I am sorry.

I am sorry, to all who was offended by my comments about JaMat.
I am sorry, if it was stupid(which it was).
I am sorry, for anyone who took it the wrong way.

~Why did I say those things?~

I said these things because I thought about what he di😛 He wanted to help the South Koreans. He just did it in the wrong way. I usually take things to heart. It's a bad habit I want to quit.


I know you probably liked that I backed you up, but I was young then, and this is now.
I am sorry, JaMat, for getting your hopes up, for a lost cause.

The Shout Case....

Here is my shout, quote and quote.

Can someone give me a moving ticket?
I'm moving to the eUK.
Anyone want my party also?

First line.
I have the moving ticket, and I'm fine.

Second Line.
I said that so my "friend" would give me the money he/she owes me.
(I will not tell you who)

Okay, this is VERY easy to explain.
I meant to say...
Anyone want TO JOIN my party also?


I am sorry for any and all rude behavior I may have caused.

Jeremy Hutchinson
The Arch Times.
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