~LB~ Presidential Platform [part2]

Day 702, 18:36 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

Part 1 of my Official Presidential Platform was a brief overview of my credentials, service to our nation, congression duties, political activities and key points that I would elaberate on here in this article.

BEFORE you can build a house or even a nation you MUST have a sturdy foundation. You can build 16 stories, have floors of marble, pillars of gold, the finest hand woven rugs, but without a strong and proper foundation that will all come crumbling to the ground, leaving only rubble. Well my friends, that is exactly where we find Israel today.

How do we fix this problem? How do we rebuild, creating a stable footing to expand upon? With preplanned, well thought out and creative ideas that I have labored over for some time; and through the sweat of many, building not one mans dream but those of our own.

Here is my detailed plan:

eWORLD POPULATION RECRUITMENT - We as a nation have at our disposal a FREE means of recruiting new citizens from all over the eworld through privately owned newspapers. It is my intention to choose a program manager who will recruit willing newspaper editors to plan weekly/monthly media raiding recruitment campaigns. It's a FREE, FUN, CREATIVE solution to get the word out and attract other nations citizens to hopefully relocate to Israel. Will this hurt our international relations? No, as we will not be targeting direct threats to our national security or those nations with whom we are allied. I have discussed this matter with a few foriegn presidents that I have befriended, who not only liked the idea, but threw in their two cents as well. This campaign/program will only work if we AS A NATION lighten up, there is less bickering, we change our negative thinking, people stop focusing on the negatives and embrace our positives and last but not least....stop being so serious and have more fun.

RL POPULATION RECRUITMENT - Were really missing a prime opportunity to recruit new citizens, such as relatives, friends, co-workers and/or those we meet online. Simply posting a link to "invite friends link" in other games you play, emails, myspace, facebook, etc, people can contribute greatly with minimal effort. This is an EXCELLENT way to increase your own personal wealth, the wealth of the person you recruited, bring extra gold into our nation, increase our national population and to bring another productive person to our nation. Once again, this is a FREE means to increasing our population that is being overlooked.

MONETARY MARKET - Our nations monetary market should NOT be in the hands of our national president. This is a direct violation between personal interests and gains to national interest and economic security. Instead the monetary market MUST be handled by an experienced and qualified economists. I'm not saying or accussing any past presidents of wrong doing, what I am saying is this practice will be changed under my administration to one that is a program of checks and balances to make sure our nations funds are safe, secure and documented. I will be installing a three person team, who ALL will be under written contract, subject to eRep Admin punishment if suspected and accussed of any wrong doing, to oversee our nations finances and who will be required to publish a monthly financial report on our nations congressional forum thread.

MARKETPLACE - This program will be directly tied into my job market, private/government company and economy plans. Our national treasury as well as the pockets of consumers and company owners are suffering from the mismanagement of the market place. New company owners are offering low prices, higher wages, but are going out of business because they aren't making enough profit to keep afloat. Older established companies are carrying higher levels of stock, paying less in wages, unable to sell their stock, so until they unload some they are forced to reduce their labor force. In both cases jobs were lost and citizen hardship was created due to mismanagement. The solution that will benefit EVERYONE is establishing a base market price in each segment of the market. By establishing a set price, like quality companies can establish a set price that enables them to still be competitve, make a profit, not carry high stock levels, offer inexpensive goods, while maintaining a work force who will have money in their pockets to purchase those goods. I will establish moderators who will be business owners in each market segment, their prime objective will be bringing together like company owners to see to the wellbeing of their market segments through collective barganing agreements. The result will be employment stability, higher company success rates, market pricing stability and reduced market oversaturation.

JOB MARKET - Our job market is SEVERLY out of balance, we have a high unemployment rate, market oversaturationg, lack of available jobs, etc, etc, etc. The first step to correcting this problem is to BALANCE out the work force. The reason some market segments have such high oversaturation, other market segments are suffering from lack of domestic product is the fact that we have over qualified citizens working in low skill level jobs and under qualified citizens working in high skill level jobs. My plan is simple, a redistribution of the workforce thats going to take a nation wide privately owned companies effort. ALL Q1/Q2 companies should only employ skill level 0-3 workers, while Q3/Q4 companies should only employ skill level 3-6 and Q5 companies should only employ skill level 6 and above. I can hear the concerns about the cost of food. The collective barganing agreement in the food industry, keeping in line with a 10% profit margine, will resolve the food cost to employees as it will have created a higher working wage. Think of it as profit share, as company owners agree to keep less profit, ie the 10% and pass the rest onto employees through wages. The result will be more productive companies who are pumping out appropriate levels of product, stabalizing the market place, creating better job security, creating NEW companies as deemed necessary by supply and demand, this allows us an accurate picture of the quality of our nations workforce, what segments we need to recruite for and project market growth and/or plan for upcoming potential hardship.

GOVERNMENT COMPANIES - It is my belief that we as a nation benefit from the privitation of companies as this is the key to capitalism. However, due to the size of our nation and the non realistic dynamics that admin created in this game, the majority of our national treasury can be funded by national corporations instead relying on employment/VAT tax. With that said, it is also my belief that our government owned companies should NOT directly compete on our nations market, instead necessary levels of stock can be kept in reserve in time of national need or emergencies, that rest should be sold to foriegn markets. Additionally, I feel to stimulate economic growth, that we as a nation should explore creating companies in foriegn nations to import raw materials into our nation, which will benefit the bottom line of private companies as well as provide additional tax income. Once again this SHOULD NOT be overseen soley by our national president, instead a contract should be drawn up that includes not only the myself as president, but each individual charged in overseeing each individual government company. Once again, each company will be required to post in the national congressional forums thread each month that companies financial records as a means of checks and balances.

FORIEGN DIPLOMACY - I've heard a fair amount of negativity towards Peace, even one individual cheering for the downfall of EDEN, but with the exception of our allies, OUR INTERESTS must be placed first. War games are a must, they help our younger citizens to develop faster, gain much needed experience, give the IDF organization opportunities and it promotes activity amongst the two clickers. Our foriegn deplomacy team has done an outstanding job. Can our budget continue to support these expenditures? Not unless we make the necessary arrangements to see that funds are available, but first we need to review current national threats and adjust our MPP's accordingly while being financially responsable.

IDF - I believe that revamping the IDF was a wise decision on SVVs part. It's going to take additional time to reorganize but in the long run I believe it will benefit our national security. What I would like to see though is instead of vital members of our society such as active congressmen, high skilled workers, etc leaving our nation for offensive missions, that we concentrate on more defensive minded projects which will benefit us here on the homefront and allow us to utilize these individuals in our redevelopment process. Like I said though, the IDF is looking better and better.

CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT - I have heard and read a lot of negative comments regarding the inactivity of our population. I hear you loud and clear, but this negativity is really draining on our national morale. Lets face it, you just can't make someone do something they don't want to do, it's like flogging a dead horse. So lets focus on the positive, keep pushing national forums, encouraging people to use the IRC, but not belittle the masses if they choose not to participate. Their two clicking is better than them not being here at all.

I could turn this into a decology as I've only touched on the surface of my ISRAELI REVITALIZATION PLAN, but oversaturating you with information isn't going to help my cause and honestly is going to put you to sleep, rofl.

WHY should you VOTE for and SUPPORT ~LB~

I have the BEST and most well rounded background of ALL the candidates............

My plan is to spread the responsability of REVITALIZING our nation on the shoulders of many.......

I will INSTALL a concrete system of CHECKS & BALANCES never before seen.........

My platform covers it all, this isn't to make the dream of ONE come true, rather to make the dreams of a NATION come true..........

WHO besides me has given YOU such indepth coverage to their plans, I have nothing to hide and WE have everything to gain.........



