[Kyle4PotUS] Pure Frosting: The Campaign Begins

Day 1,174, 00:32 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, what is your desire
And hello ladies and gentlemen: explosions and fire
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, are you prepared to rock
And hello ladies and gentlemen: let's rock

It’s an old format, and those of you who were around for June 2009 know exactly what’s coming up next.

That’s right, the one who never could get in is going to try to get in the Oval Office again. This last election was full of big names giving uninspired and fairly tepid runs for the presidency. Let’s remember this is the leader of our country that we’re electing, not some babysitter. We need to have a strong voice, not just a big name self-aggrandizer, controlling the country. I feel this is the time for me to step up, do what I’ve been putting off for a year, and put together a full and thorough campaign. I know that today is the first day of a new presidency, and I’ll wait to see how Julian Mizu fills the roll and duties of President, but while they do that I’m going to start a dialogue with you the voter on what you want to see.

What I’m going to do over the next month
This next month I will break down for you every nuance of the eUS’s decisions and also give you a critique of those choices. This means every single day I will be posting an article with my take on what has happened, and also what I would have done. If I agree with a decision, I’ll be the first person to praise the President on that, but if I disagree with his choices then I will not hold back. If there’s a decision that’s so egregious I may have to post an uncensored version in the eUS forums.

Now obviously I won’t be a national security threat, because leaking privileged information is a douchetastic move. Instead, I’ll explain things from the surface, that might not be super obvious to the people who aren’t paying a ton of attention. So even if you don’t like my ideas, or you think this campaign is going to be just awful, if you want to be better informed then I would subscribe and read every day. Also if you don’t like the ideas I want to hear why and what you disagree with. This is a campaign of the people.

WTF is Pure Frosting and what does it have to do with the campaign?
Well in my opinion America has it’s cake right now, and really it’s missing something to make it that much better. That’s where I come in, I’m the frosting that tops this wonderful cake we’re currently eating. I add so much flavor to each and every bite, that you don’t want to stop eating. And not only am I delicious, but I’m made of sugar, so I’m energizing to the point that America is hyper-active. SeewutIdidthur? I just increased the activity of the US by pumping it full of sugar! Pure Frosting: the necessary ingredient to make this country so much better.

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Join Kyle321n and Joe Newton every Tuesday and Thursday for a fresh, new and exciting episode of Fightin' 'round the World!

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Subs: 1532

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