[Kumnaa] Super Updates 18/10/09

Day 698, 02:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kumnaa
Military Hub - http://military.erepublik.co.uk

As some of you know there have been issues with the military hub over the last week or two and this is all down to the very flakey erepublik API. When things fail, like applications, it should now tell you to retry a few times which will hopefully reduce the number of missing applications. The same message applies to logging in as well.

CCCP - http://www.cccp-group.org

As some of you may have noticed CCCP has had a major refit in the last few weeks and the rather clunky theme of before has been replaced by a much simpler one.

Fight Club - http://www.cccp-group.org?page=erepfightclub

While restyling CCCP a new module was created with the help of #euk. Its currently in beta and is simply a tool that allows for PvP fights between erepublik citizens. (It works even when erepublik is down as all the citizens are stored locally)

Any problems with any of the sites/tools then find Kumnaa on irc.rizon.net #euk

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