[kualkerr's report] Legends of the Fall!

Day 1,386, 07:16 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by hamis11

Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity.

And so we ask ourselves… will our actions echo across the centuries…? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone…and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely… we loved?

If they ever tell my story… let them say, walked with giants! When men rose and fell like winter wheat…yet some names will never die.

Today, on Pakistan Defense Day in RL, I will tell all the younglings of ePakistan a story of such brave souls, names of whom will always echo among the winds of our glorious country. I will pay homage to those valiant warriors, who bled for the motherland, even gave their elives. Today, I will cherish the memory of the ones we lost and honor the companionship of the ones who still stand tall, in streets of occupied ePakistan, against the bombs and the bullets and the blood of our enemy. Their lives… and death… is a source of inspiration for the young soldiers of ePakistan and a statement of pride for the old ones. Today, on Pakistan’s Defense Day; lets blow the dust of those history books and turn over to the chapter titled as ‘The Legends’.

Join me in this flashback of the eLives of the men responsible for glorious history ePakistan has been blessed with...:

1. Dio Brando:

Termed as the 'God Emperor' by his followers (dioists), Dio Brando was one of the most influential and controversial citizen of erepublik.

A 3 times president of ePakistan, Dio Brando made Pakistan an Empire by conquering most of the Asia including India n China. His name has always been a source of dispute between dioists and Muslim real Pakistanis. As dioists call him the god, yet Muslims of Pakistan(including myself) find it blasphemous.

In any event, Dio Brando's name has always been affiliated with ePakistan and its glory.

Dio Brando is now dead. His followers, who were once brave soldiers of ePakistan, are now scattered around the world. Some are dead. But they did their part and gave us a history worthy of remembrance.


AgentChieftain was Dio Brando's most trusted lieutenant and a Supreme Priest of Dioism. Dioists hold him in very high regard even today. He was 5 times president of ePakistan and was the think-tank behind ePakistan's conquest of Asia, PTO of China and cold war with Sweden.

Keeping aside my disputes on dioism, I would consider Agenchieftain one of the greatest figures of ePakistan and its politics ever since it came into being.

Agent gave his life in May, 2010 right after being nominated as the President of ePakistan for the staggering 5th time. This sudden demise of AgentChieftain resulted in political anarchy in ePakistan and our noisy neighbour took advantage of it to wipe ePakistan off the map with help of USA.

AgentChieftain holds the record of most presidential medals in Pakistan which further cements his status as a great!

Ahsan Shahbaz

Ahsan Shahbaz has arguably been the greatest politician, speaker and writer of ePakistan. Famous for his anti-dioism stance, Ahsan has always been very vocal about his distaste about the idea of a 'virtual God' in Dio Brando and consider it blasphemous.

He is adored and respected by almost every Pakistani. He has served as the president of ePakistan in April, 2010.

Ahsan Shahbaz has always been an icon, an inspiring figure to look up to. He is a top politician and a charismatic speaker. A genius in what he does, Ahsan has pulled Pakistan out using political maneuvers when all other hopes would fade. He is an inspiration figure for younglings of ePakistan.

He is an excellent diplomat but a better person. Legendary status guaranteed!


Pak_land is one of the oldest and one of the greatest citizens of ePakistan. He is the co-founder, funder and a senior commanding officer of Special Service Group (SSG).

Whether its a political debate or a military strategic planning or an ATO blueprint design or baby recruitment or financing wars, Pak_land has done it all. He has been the best of friends who literally has given blood to Pakistan. I still remember the time when Pak_land used to eat less to save money and buy gold with his savings to buy supplies for war. And he wept, in real..when India wiped Pakistan on 29th May, 2010. And that day, we both swore revenge. An year later, he is two times conqueror of India.

The man is irritable. He is annoying. And he is a living legend.


Policy is there since... forever. The master of disguise, the cave troll, the ultimate chameleon, the 3 times and current president of ePakistan ; Policy, has been the guy with unlimited potential, very little of which has actually been utilized. No one knows who Policy is... where he came from... where he lives... we only know that he dwells in ePakistan right from Dio's era.

He has been my greatest enemy since the beginning because i always think he adopted a wrong direction while utilizing his distinguished skills of public speaking and trolling. He could have been the deadliest of weapons of ePakistan had he been spearheading our foreign policies and negotiations rather than trolling his own compatriots.

Nevertheless; Policy, when he means business, is a force to reckon with. With his skill with the media, ability to play with words and massive experience under his belt, Policy must realize the responsibility he has in political defense of the country. I urge him to cease counter-productive trolling f his own compatriots and join hands with rest of the team who will achieve new horizons of excellence with reinforcement of his skill.

Shahrose Khan

Shahrose Khan; founder, funder and mentor of badmash youth.

He is probably the greatest war coordinators i have had the pleasure of working with. He was on of the most devoted citizens and industrialist of ePakistan. He joined SSG shortly before Pakistan's invasion of India in September 2010 and by December, he was already a war veteran who was part of every possible task which couldve been done in the great war. From generating supplies, logistics, managing companies, ATO, gold generation... everything. Shahrose Khan was there. He would even run a dozen companies, pay high wages to make products n put those products on market for very cheap so that every Pakistani could benefit from it. He went through a great personal pain to help Pakistan win that war!

After the war, Shahrose Khan was involved in a huge conflict with the government of Pakistan. He was eventually branded as a traitor as per situation at hand back then. But I think he did what he did out of emotion and immaturity, rather than an ill will to hurt Pakistan.

Shahrose was found dead one morning with majority holding me responsible for his assassination but there is no truth in that accusation. I would never hurt anyone who is loyal to Pakistan.

Shahrose Khan was a good soul who made us all proud. He will be remembered as a hard working servant, a brave soldier and an obedient son of ePakistan and for me, he is a martyr and a Legend. He will live with us forever.

Merga a.k.a Verdi

Verdi has graced Pakistan with his company when we were going through a very torrid time. Verdi (merga in erepublik) was one of the richest people in erepublik back in v1. He was also a top tank. An EDEN tank!

With threat of a USA-backed Indian invasion looming large, Verdi moved to Pakistan to help us. He fought viciously in every war, spent tons of gold defending us, kept our morale high and never asked for anything in return. I still remember how he helped us setting up the first q5 weapons company of ePakistan and giving us hospital company. All these favors meant a lot back then when the power of master cards were not behind us! He truly is a Hall-of-famer in my books.


Misteriosa a.k.a misti has been the darling of ePakistan ever since she moved there. Clever, quit witted, b*tchy and dangerous; misti always had the qualities to make a fine Empress. And in due time, she achieved the legendary status of first Empress of India

How many hours Misteriosa spend guarding battlefields... how many sleepless nights she underwent to ensure victory... how many phone calls she made to me to wake me up at 3 am and ask to accompany her to meetings... i simply cannot even count. By taking well-deserved oath of Presidency in February 2011, misteriosa cemented her position up there with the very best of ePakistan.

The Deadly Duo

The Deadly Duo (leop and Mavie75) joined ePakistan on my request several months ago. They took off by storm and despite not being real Pakistanis, worked tirelessly for the betterment of ePakistan.

They gave out thousands of weapons and tens of thousands of foods to soldiers to fight in previous war against India. And contributed in logictis, aids, meetings, war strategies, negotiations...everything. I honour them because they didn't have to do it. They had nothing to gain from these efforts. There was no greed for money or lust for power fueling their passion to guard Pakistan. They did it out of friendship, brotherhood and honor!

We couldn't have pulled it off without this deadly European duo! Their names will echo across the battlefields for ages to come!

Today, i stand here, looking back at those old times, when ePakistan was graced by coalition of its greatest citizens.

I want this article to be the wake up call for those brave sons of ePakistan, who still draw breaths, heart of whom are burning, craving for freedom. The ones who have stood scattered till today,because of personal differences.
Time has come show exhibit their valor and courage one more time. Pakistan is occupied. It needs you all. It calls for help. Time has come for all of you to bury the hatchets and fight for your freedom.

Let this be the hour when we all draw swords together and get ready to spill some more blood in the same mud. Forget your disputes, forget the animosities between one another and stand by each other's sides. The hate will never end. Its eternal.. we humans will hate each other till we are dead... why not die for something we all love... that bright, green flag of Pakistan! Why die for hate when we can die for honour!

Wake up! kill the hate!! Because Pakistan calls for aid...

Pakistan Zindabad!!!