[KQ4CP] Sustainable Combustion

Day 1,160, 20:27 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
Sustainable Combustion - Let's light this fire and keep it going.

Hello everyone,

As a Country President candidate for the February 5th elections, I look to the future. I look to guide eCanada back in the direction that it should be headed in, and I would like your help. No, I don't just mean your vote. What I am looking for is also your perspective and your opinion. Throughout my campaign, I will be presenting many ideas. Some ideas will be expected, some ideas have been asked for, and some ideas may change everything.

Ideas are great, but they are not perfect. An idea created by one person comes from only that one person's perspective on the situation. An idea presented to many people can gather the perspectives and opinions from them all, becoming a stronger idea. If that idea is the common solution to a problem within everyone's perspective, then it is viable. This is where I would like your help. As I publish my campaign articles, I hope that you will take some time to think about the ideas presented within, and respond with your thoughts. Not just at face-value, but also of the possible implications for the long-term. Ideas are great, but if they aren't sustained for longer than a few weeks, then what affect did they really have? We need to look in the direction we want to go, and start planning more than just a month in advance.

During my term, I want to see eCanada start to change. Start being the keyword. One month isn't a long time, but one month can lead to a great start. An idea will not solve our problems instantly, but the right ideas can help us resolve them over time. Just starting with these ideas are what we need to do, and what we need to do together. The ideas I will propose during my campaign are the ideas that, with your help, will resolve problems. Whether it be new issues, such as CAF corruption/inefficiency, old issues, such as the lack of a united focus, or my favourite issue, new player retention, they will be the start of great projects. Projects that can be sustained, to continue helping eCanada in the future. Let's look into the future together, and head in the right direction.

Thank you for reading,
I hope that when February comes around, we can work together to start the change eCanada needs.