[KQ4CP] - Join, Stay, Play

Day 1,167, 12:53 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
To Some It Comes Easy - Others may need a bit of help.
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Hello everyone,

It's me again, talking about a few things as a Country President candidate for February 5th. More specifically, talking about a subject that I seem to be most often associated with; new player retention. I like new players, I really do. I like them so much that I think we should have more of them. Keep them around and see what comes of them. And when they're not considered "new" anymore, we should get some more new players. And make a cycle of it, so that our community grows. So that things stay interesting in positive ways. Hence why I'll be starting up the "Outreach Team".

When you join the game, you're alone. You come here looking to be a great leader, but there's nothing that really tells you how to do this. There are some missions stuck off to the side of the page, and an automated message from the President. For a social strategy game, it doesn't seem too social. This is where an Outreach Team comes in. This team is simply a group of people who send messages out to new players in order to personally welcome them to the game, provide tips and advice, and points them in the right direction. In general, it's to encourage new players to stick around and get involved. These messages can help new players understand a bit more about how to play eRepublik, which is needed, because we can all agree it's a bit different than other games. Along with this, the team will monitor each new player's progress for the first week or so, allowing them to follow-up with help when it's needed. Doing this in an organized manner will ensure that every new player is reached, without any one person having too much of the burden.

And it will be a burden, because we won't stop there. New players aren't the only people that we should reach out to, but there are a whole bunch of citizens between "new" and "old" that are here as well. The Outreach Team will also be tasked with sending general "Hey, how's it going? Have questions, need help?" type of messages out to all of these citizens. The aim of this is to see how the general population is doing, and to help keep them interested in eRepublik. Every citizen is important in eCanada, and we need to keep in touch with them better to encourage them to stick around.

This Outreach Team will be a small team, made up of those that have shown their ability before, and those whom I hope will use this as an opportunity to show their ability. It will be lead by Matthew Gallaugher, whom I have confidence in to ensure this is doing in an organized and efficient manner. The Outreach Team will also work in conjunction with the New Canadians Assistance Program, which means we'll have to talk about that as well...

The New Canadians Assistance Program (NCAP) is a great concept. Something that new players can easily find and ask for help. I completely support the NCAP, but in light of the Outreach Team, it'll need a few improvements to make sure it is well taken care of. No huge changes; the concept was well done when it was first created, but small things such as making it simpler for both the new player and the NCAP team to use, much more accessible, and adding a French version will help to ensure that it is put to good use. The goal of NCAP is still the same: Provide help to new players as quick as possible.

The team operating NCAP will be similar to that of the Outreach Team. A small, trusted group working in an organize fashion to help all new players who need it. The NCAP team will be lead by Roger Griswald, who I am sure will manage it well.

And since we're on the topic about new players...

The Ministry of Education is charged with writing education articles. Education articles are very useful to new players, when they're in the news. The problem thus becomes how often these articles are in the news and how often they are talked about. To solve this problem, old articles will also start to be republished as well, to ensure that there's always something circulating in the media for new players. On top of that, the Minister will help to generate interest in the Information Index, so that we can expand the resources within and put this tool to better use. Taking the position as Minister will be Lavis Knight, who has already done much to help eCanada's new players.

I like new players, and so should you. Without them, we'll just be the same group we've always been, and that hasn't been a positive group lately. With a good effort at new player retention, we can grow our community and help to make eCanada a larger force on the global scale.

Thank you for reading,
I hope that when February comes around, we can welcome our new friends and grow together.