[KQ] Take Me to Your Leader

Day 1,153, 20:35 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

As will be usual, another song from my playlist: Running With the Wolves (lyrically, not relevant 😉 ).

Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since there was an election I actually looked forward to. Where there was a candidate that I truly believed could do something of permanence. Someone I thought could leave a [positive] lasting mark on eCanada. This coming February, I will do what I can to make sure that you can look forward to the next Country Presidential term. This has been coming for months, and now, I am officially announcing that I am running for Country President on February 5th.

Over the past few months, I have been told various reasons why I should run for Country President. These reasons have ranged from almighty praise to jokingly being called a nazi, but the one reason that intrigued me most was when it was said that we need a true e-role model, and I was one of the few people that could fill that role (funnily enough, this was the same person who called me a nazi.. o_O ). I was curious about this because I don't see myself as a role-model. I am certainly not a role model for little kids, but thankfully none of us are little kids... right? 😉

Anyway, I'll start my campaigning in due time. Before I do though, I wanted to ask all of you a question (directly, this time). What do you think the discussion topics, that we as CP candidates, should be talking about? I already have plenty to say, but I am interested in what you think is important. We have many different minds in eCanada, but unless we sincerly communicate, we aren't a team.

Thank you for reading,
I hope that when February comes around, we can work together to builld eCanada.