[KHMC] Newsletter #1

Day 3,285, 17:54 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Party Presidential Election Chatter and Results

Hello my fellow Knighthawks and eAustralians, I have recently been elected as Party President of the Knighthawks Military Council.

Although I didn't release a party platform, I certainly have ideas to share with the party going into the future.

The first of which, of course, was to bring back the party newsletter, a rather good initiative which helps Knighthawk members keep up to date on the inner workings of the party. At this stage it will be a weekly newsletter (most likely released on a Friday) with the view of starting an either fortnightly or monthly podcast which is still under development.

Special Congressional articles with Knighthawk policy will also be released in time for the election,

It's important to bring back some basic forms of communication between members, so I will also be starting a party message thread in the coming days, pending on friend request results and allowing former members to get back in the action.

I will also be starting a Knighthawks Military Council Congressional thread after the results of the next election, this months Senate has been a bit of a dud so hopefully we can pull together for the next!

Knighthawks in Congress

Upcoming is the Congressional Elections on the 25th, the last couple of Knighthawks efforts in the Senate have been average and would like the parties help in overturning our fortunes.

So I am inviting all Knighthawks Military Council members and even Knighthawks Military Unit members to run with the Knighthawks on the 25th.

Congressional leadership positions will be allocated as well, so this is the time to help reinvigorate the party and stamp your mark!

Presidential Elections Chatter

After the Congressional elections, I will get right onto the Country Presidential elections and put the topic to Knighthawks thread to get your ideas, favoured candidate, policy implementation and cabinet positions.

This is still some time away but will be more descriptively addressed in upcoming newsletters.

Knighthawks Military Council Giveaway!

In the next newsletter, I will be conducting a giveaway for KHMC, KH and all eAustralians!

This of course will come out of my own pocket, so stayed tune for that.


Knighthawks Party President