"...keep your enemies closer..."

Day 542, 14:42 Published in Romania Romania by Andrulex Daostes

***Preluat de pe blog-ul personal***

Am descoperit un joculet interesant cu care mai sparg monotonia de la servici. Gasit, impropriu spus , joculetul fiindu-mi recomandat de un camarad...recomandare care v-o fac si eu. Joculetul se numeste eRepublik. Joc social (in viziunea mea cel putin). Scopul: muncesti sa faci niste banuti, ca sa mananci sa nu-ti moara "e-citizen-ul" si sa-i cumperi arme ca, odata ce te-ai antrenat putin, sa te duci sa lupti pentru tara ta. Interesant, captivant, inevitabil are niste chichite de ordin interfata si administratie care nu-mi sunt tocmai pe plac. In schimb compenseaza prin niste optiuni interesante, deosebite fata de alte browsergame-uri, anume posibilitatea (de la un anumit nivel ) de a vota presedintele tarii,oamenii din congres (alti jucatori) si chiar si anumite legi, iti poti creea partid, sa-ti faci campanie si toate cele de natura politica. O alta optiune , cel putin pentru mine inedita in astfel de joc...e aceea de media...incepi prin a face un ziar, ti-l promovezi pe forum, daca prinde ce ai scris acolo iti strangi subscriberi, castigi niste banuti (cred...inca n-am nivelul necesar sa-mi fac ziar...mai astept putin ) si eventual ajungi "hatmai" magnatul mediatic.

Rasfoind forumul am descoperit ceva interesant, lumea din joc e foarte implicata politic si social, de la fascisti, socialisti de toate felurile, democrati, anarhisti pana la hipioti si mi se pare ca era si un partid al voiei bune. Atunci ma izbeste minunata idee: sa profit de peisajul asta multicolor politic si sa mai invat cate ceva despre niste curente si idei de la oamenii care le practica si predica si bineinteles sa-mi exersez si eu "oratoricul" cu principiile mele.

introducerea mea pe un forum al unui ziar socialist:

Radu Gyr

Posts: 4
Posted 4 days ago
Politics » A new Socialist newspaper in town!
i want to have an open disscusion with a socialist me being a nationalist (don't think hitler and nazis)...i'm not looking for a fight or querel, i just want to compare ideologies, i must say i'm not that well informed about your ideology...want to learn about it...let's say to have an edge over some mindless underage nazis...who hate communism and any form of socialism just because they think that that's what nationalism is all about... i figured this would be the best place to find someone to talk to openly, not from books not theories...i'm talking about what's practical, non-utopic, RL-linked, realistic in socialism, also i'm willing to share my experience in nationalism. Hope no one is offended, i come in peace.

Please PM me...i don't want everybody joining in on this disscusion, all the newly-born socialists, who are so because their parents are or because they hadn't heard or documented themselves about anything else...posers to be more exact...i now i'm being a dick but let's face it every social group has them, every social group will always have them...it's the human nature's need to belong to a group. Or if it is easier for you spirit_on_a_leash@yahoo.com. If your going to talk in theories and ideologies and talking from books or he-said-she-said non-sense...please abstain yourselves from sending me any messages.

Thanks for your time. as the russians would say it "Privet" 🙂 *****

Am primit un mesaj de la ceea ce se pare a fi "capo di tutti capi" al ziarului respectiv ...urmeaza schimbul de mesaje:


Cleforo 2009-05-06 11:13:26
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Hi, I noticed that you would like to have a discussion.
I would be glad to have that with you, and I understand that you don't like the wannabe communists that replied to my my forum article.
You must also understand that I'm a social democrat, or moderate marxist as I choose to call it sometimes. So, if you want to speak to a real socialist, I might not be the best person to speak to (even though I have strong feelings against nationalism). I think that communism and capitalism both are terrible, and using logical thinking, the solution must be something between those two.


Radu Gyr 2009-05-07 11:37:28
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Re: Socialism

ok...agreed, baby steps...why not. First thing's first, why do you have strong feelings agains nationalism?


Cleforo 2009-05-07 12:45:31
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Re: Re: Socialism

I'm against especially ethnic nationalism and radical forms of nationalism.
In my eyes people have always been equal, regardless of race, culture, wealth etc.
The world is simply too modern nowadays to be oppressing someone for those reasons.
For me, as long as I am allowed to be myself as an individual, I do not care what country I reside in, etc.
For a nationalist, the nation obviously comes first,
For me, the individual does.


Radu Gyr 2009-05-07 21:15:54
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Re: Re: Re: Socialism

But people are not equal, we may want to think they are, but physically, mentally and spiritually they are not. There are differences in mentallity between an american and an european for example...as there are differences in mentallity between let's say italians and romanians(like myself) although we both are latin. We don't make the differences between people, the differences are there by pure nature. Saying that a black guy isn't black is like dening what he is just so he can be integrated in the society, thus making the individual just another sheep in a flok, evrybody deserves to be amongst their own kind...sure i agree...go visit places, see the world, but you can't ignore the fact that differences are present. Nationalism isn't something new, or something that appeared in WW2, it was present ever since the need for similar tribes to unite as one - the human need to be amongst siblings.
Sure the individual is very important but don't ignore his ethnic heritage, and where can he better evolve as an individual but amongst his own kind where they understand eachother...they understand their needs. Every country has different needs.


Cleforo 2009-05-07 22:02:38
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

All I can say to all of that is:
Being equal doesn't mean that you are not unique 🙂
I doubt that you're a real nationalist, your argument is really unclear.
I sent you a list of things that I don't like about nationalism, learn what they are and then start an argument based on that 🙂
eComrade Cleforo


Radu Gyr 2009-05-07 22:59:53
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

you doubt i'm a nationalist from what you know nationalism to be...nationalism isn't hate for other people or countries, nationalism is the unconditional love for your own people and country, with no disrespect for the others. For instance people may call me xenophobic just because i tell them i don't support the ideea of going to work in another country, i have the same poor opinion for those who come here as well as for my fellow romanians that do the same thing in other countries. This is why there is no equality , because the poorer countries have less and less work force, all their workers are going away. What happens to those countries, i ask you? they disappear along with their whole culture. That's nationalism, that's why the nation is very important, and more important is to stand by your nation in all it's moments including economical downfall. Don't go working some place else just for your own personal benefits. your country and it's culture will die out


Cleforo 2009-05-08 14:24:05
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

Nationalism is indeed loving your own people and country, but also putting it in front of everyone/everything else. I understand your opinion on the working abroad thing, but is that all you base your nationalism on?


Radu Gyr 2009-05-09 11:37:40
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism
no i don't base my beliefs just on foreigners and abroad...my understanding of nationalism is not hating everything different from you is appreciating and loving without question your own kind their history, their national identity and so on. putting in front doesn't mean ignoring and denying...i would be more than willing to help another country to be proud of their own history, traditions, nationality.
it's like you have an apple orchard and by accident a raspberry bush appears somwhere in that orchard, thus changing the whole ideea of an APPLE orchard...in my opinion...i will not destroy the raspberry bush, i would just replant it somwhere else, a bush and a tree have different needs, both of them are very useful...but you can't take care of a bush if you're a tree gardner, you know how to take care of a tree, you better now what it needs, you can only guess what a bush wants so it's best to leave it grow among other bushes...i'm not sure if i was clear enough with what i mean.
please ask me if enything was unclear in the metaphore..it's importnat to better understand how i think.
p.s. don't think i'm trying to chang your way of thinking or anything, just presenting my opinion on how true nationalism should be...and that's what i expect from you and your visions on socialism.


Cleforo 2009-05-09 11:39:52
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

In that case we don't have an argument here, I clearly stated what kinds of nationalism i'm against 🙂 loving your country and people is alright, but the actions you take for them can often be to the worse.
You won't change my way of thinking, don't worry 🙂


Radu Gyr 2009-05-09 11:43:19
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

my way of seeing nationalism isn't what you would see in hitler's way of seeing it, that's why i'm so mad when i hear people associating nationalism strictly to the nazis...nationalism existed way before 1920s, nationalism starts from patriotism...but they're a bit different.


Cleforo 2009-05-09 11:45:35
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Socialism

I understand what you are saying, I would be just as mad if someone would call me a Communist 🙂
People who do so are simply ignorant, that's all.
nationalism has always existed, from the day of small tribes in the stone age to today.


Radu Gyr 2009-05-09 11:51:15
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Social

i think i said it my self ( about the tribes ..in a previous message 🙂 ) . anyway... um i spilled my thoughts on my beliefs... now i ask you, why socialism?...why does it represent you?...how did you end up supporting socialism?
i'd really appreciate it if you'd answer these questions in separate phrases, if it wouldn't be much trouble 🙂

Si de aici n-a mai zis nimic interlocutorul meu. inca astept.

*****textul e in engleza fiind un joc international, traduceri la cerere

Multumesc ca ai citit pana aici...vor mai urma discutii de genu asta cu reprezentanti ai diferitelor ideologii, sper eu sa le cuprind pe toate. Pana atunci recomand jocul...am trimis invitatie pe mail tuturor din lista mea de contacte...daca esti si tu interesat zi-ceva pe id-u' spirit_on_a_leash@yahoo.com si trimit invitatie.