[Karrde] I'm Running for President Again

Day 1,591, 03:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

Greetings, fellow citizens of this, our United Kingdom. United- a word that could not be easily be applied to us at the best of times, and certainly not a month ago when I first campaigned for election. Now though I feel more than ever that we are united, both in our continuing fight for freedom and in our dealings with each other, our community. Previously I had talked about our ‘broken Britain,’ and while there is still much work to be done, progress has most certainly been made.

What’s more, we now have a country under our feet! We are sojourners no longer, having taken back the whole of the south of the country, French regions notwithstanding, and secured peace with Ireland. I can safely state that we are in a much stronger position than we were at this point last month, with every possibility to sustain our success in the month to come. Our alliance, ONE, is on the rise once again, having a lot more success in battle than during recent months. Hard work and persistence have dragged many of our allies up out of the gutter, just as we ourselves are now able to stand up on our own two feet.

It is with a proud heart that I once again ask for your vote and your support to be the next Country President of the United Kingdom!

Over the course of the next week I’ll be outlining for you my major policies for the month ahead, in the guise of Domestics and Finance, and Military and Foreign Affairs, so please watch out for those articles and vote them up. Please do give me feedback on the ideas too, it’s your country after all so you should have a say in how we move forward.

I’d also like to open up applications for the next month’s cabinet- my team of players that comprise the core of the government and direct the course of the nation.

The Cabinet

I’ll be adopting a simple cabinet structure, removing ministries that are not needed and utilizing a single person in each role that I maintain. Of late there has been a culture of using two ministers in some positions to share a workload- I will instead be encouraging many more people to actively get involved in government, directed by the main ministers, and for those ministers to actively involve more people than of late. It’s worked really well this last month, and I fully expect this to continue in the coming month.

I would encourage ANYONE with a vested interest in the UK to apply for cabinet, whether you think you can get a place or not. Every application will be appreciated- I think we need to send a message that we are an active community that is willing to get involved, and a high volume of cabinet applications will start that process off. If you aren’t picked for a position, please feel free to ask me for feedback as to why- I’ll be frank and honest with you and give you my reasons- and I’ll invite you to get involved with the ministry you applied to, as we’ll most certainly need the help in government, and, if the past is anything to go by, experience as a worker or a deputy in a ministry goes a long way to securing a future role in cabinet. That said I am looking at lowering the age of my cabinet this time round, giving newer players a chance if possible. Last month was about getting the job done in highly difficult circumstances, this month is about building for the future.

I’ll be accepting applications for the following positions, please send me a PM in game or on the forums if you would like to apply. In it, outline for me the following:

Why you believe you are suited for the role.

What you would do in the role- not just what my manifesto says I will make you do.

Whether you would be willing to work as a deputy in that ministry if not invited to take on the full role.

The positions available are:

Minister of Defence

Minister of Home Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Finance

Minister of Legislative Affairs

The successful applicant in each role will be the one I deem to be the best for the job, simple as.

If you'd like to be considered as a deputy for any of those positions please apply in the same format, but make it clear it's for a deputy position.

Thank you for reading, I hope over the next few days to convince you to give me your vote on the 5th.

Talon Karrde