[jw] The belgians and their secret weapon

Day 2,393, 05:49 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Recently a lot has been written about the Belgification of our country. I'm going to write more about it. Why? Because quite frankly, Belgium is a threat. Firstly, let's look at the country. It is estimated that 40% of the population speaks French. Another ~14% speaks German. This means that over half of their country, are pig disgusting. To begin with, not a very good statistic to look at.

Ignoring real life, a look at the most prominent citizen they have in the game, is singlehandedly responsible for the destruction of the game. Shadow, as he is referred to, is basically the guy responsible for all of the huge vendettas in the game. Hungary/Romania, Serbia/Croatia, UK/France, UK/Ireland, and of course, UK-Canada. Under his guidance, the animosity that has dogged International Relations since functioning alliances came into his existence, was not only brought into the game, but also, actively encouraged. Thus, not only is Belgium pig disgusting, it's also all their fault that the game sucks.

Now it is without a doubt that Belgium is a force that we should not necessarily fear, but most certainly dislike. Do we want to be allied to a country that encourages people to be pig disgusting, to a country that single handedly ruined the game for everyone else? Of course not. However, things go from bad to worse.

Under the leadership of well known tyrant Stefan1992, an innocent party called 'Dharma Initiative' was created. Stefan set about ensuring the party was a laughing stock, so no-one would realise it's true purpose; to import Belgian citizens, culture, and most awfully of all, to try and stop me from being President this one time.

Suffice to say, whilst this menace was eventually defeated, the scars upon our society are still easily seen today. Whereas once we had British players being angry about being unable to be President, lead by the Belgian-sympethiser extraordinaire himself, Stefan1992 (who by the way, was American [as if it couldn't get any worse]), we face a much worse threat today. You see, the real problem with Belgium, that people don't always think about, (it is quite reasonable to not look for any more reasons to dislike the country, especially as the main ones I already pointed out are already pretty awful) is not that they ruined everything, nor that some of them actually choose to identify as French, but rather, the country upon their north-eastern border.

You see, the problem I have with the Belgians, is that they are largely useless politically, and are far too busy doing things like funding militias that support hundreds of UK troops, and Marrying people on IRC. This lead to a lapse in their border protection, and meant that a weapon of total destruction was allowed to join the UK, claiming to be French-curious too.

You see the real threat to the UK, is no longer internal division, invasion from the USA or Argentina. No, dear friends, those gorram belgians have ensured our fate will be even worse. You see, those dastardly belgians did the unthinkable, the unforgivable, something which can never be taken back.

They brought the Dutch with them. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. Any individual that mixes with a Dutch is actively working to destroy the UK. Any party which harbours their Franco-German-curiousness is actively working to undermine everything that we hold dear. But most importantly, the dutch are here.

Demand change from your leaders, your friends and anyone of the 17 of us who still bother to click work and train. Get your pitchforks and English-French dictionaries, things are not going to change around here until we at least know the true scale of the threat we face, and take overly-drastic and potentially suicidal action to try and avert it.