[jw] Mountains, molehills and wanykerrs.

Day 2,681, 21:58 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

With the introduction of the Dictatorship module, eRepublik changed forever did what few thought possible, became even worse. But the rules of the game violate anus's (anii?) of all countries with equal viciousness. This problem is not unique to the UK, but of course, we have somehow managed to durp above and beyond our fellow penetratees in the eWorld.

First and foremost, the majority of information released from our Government this month has at best, been too little, too late. When a group of people is being outed by Max Blue for their activity or input, well, that's simply an awful reflection of the state they find themselves in.

Further to that, it has had a continuing theme that somehow, an elected Government has a right to rule. That is not how the game with a Dictatorship module works. Regardless of whether you believe we should be ruled by a self confessed waynekerr or not, that doesn't stop him wielding power. That's sort of, what a dictator is. But stop and reflect upon the messages that have been released from/on behalf of Wayne this term.

No-one wants to spend hours playing this game anymore. No-one is going to go out of their way to go for power. Recent presidents and ministers have either been bit-time players, disappear or run away to escape the madness. So why, pray tell, would someone hold onto power when they don't want to play?

Rewind back to the 6th. It dawns on the UK that Huey will be President again, and it dawns on the UK that oh dear lord dat cabinet. The collective intake of breath of the remaining 30 people who bother to login is symbolic in and of itself; regret level, 9001.

This is not indicative of a Dictator who is doing anything and everything as and how he pleases, but rather, indicative of reality; there was a choice between a bad government and a bad way of stopping a bad government - I know which one I would choose. And this is hardly the first time parts of the UK mobilised to stop what they thought would damage or hold the UK back: the difference this time is game mechanics were used, instead of backdoor chats on IRC.

Wayne as dictator is not indicative of a DC takeover; they make up the majority of people who can tell the difference between the logout button and the recover energy button; they won that battle long ago. There is no point discussing it; the majority of competence we have left is DC-aligned.

Of course, the solution to an in game problem is to write legislation. Appleby, why don't we restart the civil service for the 6th time and see if it has a modicum of an impact? Or, perhaps instead of making a mountain out of a molehill and frantically rehashing the failed ideas of the past to attempt to remain relevant, we could accept a few simple truths.

A) Wayne pushing buttons has probably done more for the UK than leaving Huey to apologise for the delay in updates every few days as few things of importance will happen.

2) A group that can gain power at will would hardly go out of their way to circumvent an electoral process they could easily win if they wanted to


D) We're actually talking and doing something instead of seeing articles with 7 votes in the top 5.

E) This change is here to stay

F) The Waynekerr dictatorship will be easily ended when something with a semblance of competence is offered as an alternative.