[JvB for PM] November 2010: '15' Reasons to vote for me

Day 788, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joachim von Bremen
15 things I will do for the eUK

I've been scratching my head for a long time. What can I do to separate myself from the other candidates in the increasingly competitive November 2010 elections? This is going to be the biggest election in eRepublik history. I need to be different. I need to be special.

Fortunately, someone equally 'special' came on IRC today. For anonymity's sake I won't divulge his name, but a young man running for congress burst into #eUK saying we should vote for him. I asked why and asked for15 reasons why he was the best candidate, quite reasonably. GF gave him 30 seconds to respond and so naturally 3 minutes later he came back with this delightful summary.

So here we go, his 15 reasons:

1.help the nation.
2.Help the countery's population grown rapidly.
3.help the army.
4.increase the repution.
5.Prove to other countery we arn't scared.
6.I want to help the president.
7.Get more known in the eUK.
8.help outhre countery if they need our help.
9.stop te abuse.
10.Prove to Poland that there not going to take over us
11. take part in more stuf in the eUk.
11. Get us into the top 5 counterys.
12. Get more people to join

His answer was brilliant on so many levels. For a start, he outwitted me by only giving 12 reasons. Secondly. the number 11, being everyone's favourite number, is done twice. Because he's that awesome. Thirdly, they were possibly the best reasons to vote for someone ever supplied. So much so, I am going to copy them. The real question is; why didn't I think of them first?!

Now I'm not going to pretend to be intelligent enough to even know what a repution is, but I promise I will do all the above things if elected.

For victory! For the eUK! For JvB!


von Bremen out

The British Media Alliance