-Just One More Congress Article-

Day 1,369, 15:21 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Well it’s that Time of the month again, across the nations parties bust a nut trying to fill their numbers and candidate list write fancy articles full of tricks and treats trying to get your vote using there fancy advertisements techniques.

I will not do a fancy stunt.

I will not try to blow you away with my firework skills.

Nor will I try to make your jaw drop with some fine mighty fine imagery.

All I’m going to do is give you the cold hard facts on why I think you should vote for me in Prince Edward Island on the 25th of August under the recently re-branded Military Advancement Party.

I’ve played a role in eCanada for nearly 2 years now, I might not have always been in the country but somewhere you would be able to find me working behind the scenes, whether it was with the DAL or the MDP or fighting along side the CAF or Crimson- I was there.

And now I want to continue to finish building this never ending puzzle by running for congress in Prince Edward Island.

What To Expect
*I’ll act as a representative to the People of PEI.
*Try to maximize are MPP list.
*Check the budget and see if it’s possible to have a Military Increase funding.
*Just be active and participate in discussions to the best of my ability.
*Make a suggestion box for eCanadians to give their input and what they would like to see from the government.

Overall I hope for an exciting month and come and out and vote for me (MT fee’s will be covered)

So that’s it the cold hard facts, no more no less. So consider voting me in Prince Edward Island or any other MDP Candidate in your region.
