[Just a Thought] What I find hilarious about eRepublik

Day 1,125, 16:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Connor West

Hello, eUnited Kingdom. Welcome to the third issue of “Just a Thought.” This particular article will have nothing to do with my special project, I just felt like making a fun article about things I find hilarious in eRepublik.

To begin, to “work” in eRepublik, you only have to click like three buttons and you’re done. It only takes like 3 seconds. However, people still get pissed about the occasional unpaid 2 seconds of overtime (That was a comedic reference to the cache system).

On that subject, the Hard Worker’s Medal, I am convinced, was designed purely to irritate people. Here’s a conversation I had with eRepublik a while back:
Me: But, was only gone for ONE DAY! I have to start all over on the Hard Worker’s Medal?
eRepublik: Yep. We want you to buy GOLD.
Me: … But I wanted the medal.

Training is pretty hilarious, too. It’s just like working, but now you get a recording from a really cheap sex hotline afterwards, “Awesome performance, [Your Name Here]!”

The food in eRepublik is also pretty funny. You eat it and it magically heals you from fighting against tanks, artillery, guns, and helicopters in battle. Oh, and people who fight with no weapons at all (almost everyone). Never buy Q5, though. It’s not worth it. Which doesn’t even need a punch-line; it’s just funny in itself.

The world map has always irritated me. I have to click on a region like 53 times before it’ll open up its little info box thing, so I end up rage-clicking (clicking really really fast over and over again), and when it opens up I end up clicking again (because of rage-clicking) and close it. Ugh.

Newspapers, too, have their own hilarious element about them. Why is it that the one person who is most interested in finding out how many people subscribe to a particular newspaper (the owner) has to look at it through an organization to figure it out?

In the Top 5 Parties you have TUP, the BDP, the PCP, the RFA, and the UKRP. Come on, United Kingdom Reform Party, if anyone should have a 4-letter acronym it’s the Radical Freethinker’s Alliance (haha … anybody find that funny? No? Oh….)
[IMG]I don’t have a picture for this one, sorry.[/IMG]

So, vote and subscribe, please. I hope you enjoyed my article. Oh yeah, and if you don’t subscribe I’ll get Captain America to head over to your house, fly through your ceiling, and eat all your cookies (that was a comedic reference to my being a real-life American).

Connor West