[JS]Presidential Platform

Day 981, 18:15 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman
This is my official Presidential Platform for Aug-Sept.

ATO Efforts

My entire term as president will be focused on the ATO efforts for Malaysia, whatever form that might take. There really isn’t much point in trying to increase the flow of money into Malaysia’s coffers because we wouldn’t get the money anyway. The military can be expanded, but mostly only to prepare in case Malaysia is completely TO‘d. The single most important thing, and the top priority, in Malaysia is the ATO. So my one and only goal for this presidential term is to reduce the PTOers hold in Malaysia. It’d be nice to increase the GDP or the population, but as long as the PTOers have less congressmen next month, I’ll be a happy president.

Of course I will still be working on other things, mostly the de-zombification and education of eMY, baby boom possibilities and reforming old ties with old allies. All these things also directly help the ATO effort by providing more and better educated voters come election time. I also want to revamp the Social Office and Immigration Office to not only continue their current operations but hopefully expand on them a little bit as well.

I would like to remind PR and PAFP that if they are going to support me in this election to please set me as their official candidate through the party page. This will insure that your members know to vote for me. Also, I ask that all PP’s message their members between now and election day, I know it’s a big task but if you can split it up between a few active Malaysians it will be much easier. If you are willing to help mail all Malaysians please comment here so that the PP’s know who they can count on to help.

It has been stated in the forum that old party lines need to be erased, I couldn’t agree more. There should be no more DPP vs FUP or any other competition between Malaysians. The enemy now is the PTO and that is the only enemy. We need to unite against the common threat rather than fighting amongst ourselves. We still have allies and I am working diligently to obtain support from them, but we have to do our part as well. As Jeff Shiiste said a few days ago, Malaysia has not lost yet. It’s time to insure that Malaysia never does.

I’m working on my cabinet now and I will put up a link in a few days so that anyone who wants to be part of my cabinet can apply for the positions that haven’t been filled yet.

I’ll end with a quote: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” – Calvin Coolidge

Useful Links
The Malaysian National Forum
The Social Office
The Military Newspaper
The Newspaper of the Prime Minister/President

Dr. Straatman(JS)
Temporary Malaysian Rep to ONE
Presidential Hopeful