[JS]Partizan Beograd Congress Candidates

Day 1,063, 22:40 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman
IMPORTANT: I need 9 Malaysians to run as filler for Partizan Beograd. Don't care who they are, just need to be real eMalaysians and not PTOers. If you are interested let me know.

As for the 10th spot....

I am announcing my intention to run for eMY congress this term under the Partizan Beograd Party.

The congress of eMY needs experienced players more than ever. I don't mean any offense to recent and present congressmen but many of you don't have the experience needed at this time. It's important for congressmen to discuss things BEFORE they are done and its also important for congressmen to not NEED to discuss things before they are done. I know that sounds weird, so I'll try to explain it a little.

I think everyone gets why its important to discuss things before they are implemented. Especially now when we only have 20 proposals max from congressmen, its important that we know a law will pass BEFORE it is proposed. We can't waste proposals anymore. On the flip side, its important for congressmen to not NEED to discuss certain laws. A prime example is the MPP's from a week or so ago, I realize what went wrong there and I'm not going to call anyone out on it. However, all those MPP's should've been passed without the need to discuss it within the congress. The failure of those MPP's branches from the fact that many eMalaysians of today don't understand game concepts as well as they should. I don't just mean the noobs either, there are many higher level eMalaysians and average eMalaysians that don't understand all the basic concepts of certain aspects of the game. Again, I'm not blaming you I'm just stating a fact. If you are going to be in congress though its important that you can make these decisions on your own when the situation calls for it. I feel like I'm up to the task and its also been way to long since I was in congress 😛

I'll be publishing my ideas for this term within a few days, as soon as I have time(stupid midterms -.-)

Again, I need 9 Malaysians to run as filler from Partizan Beograd. You don't have to be a member or an experienced eMalaysian. The only serious candidate from the party will be me. If you are interested in being a serious candidate, please apply to run under Pakatan Rakyat HERE