
Day 1,132, 14:15 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman

There's no real central theme to this article, mostly just an update on what I've been doing. I went back home around the time that the eSG TW started and so my connection is considerably crappier now that I'm not at college. Because of this, my activity has dropped somewhat and a lot of my responsibilities have been taken over by others. I want to thank Hekter for basically running Pacmen for the past week and a half. He's done a fantastic job dealing with everything and I can't express how sorry I am for basically leaving everything in his hands.

However, now that Christmas is over, I have a lot more time to waste everyday and so even though my connection sucks, I now have the time to wait for it. Hekter, or someone else, will still be taking an extra active role in Pacmen, but hopefully I can relieve some of the pressure of the past week.

I also know that recently I've been overly critical of the government. The frustration of not being informed, my bad connection and some past instances, finally pushed me over the edge and I apologize to everyone I may have offended with my arguments.

Now, to the things I hope to do in the coming months.

I'm running for Congress Chairman for this term with the intention of establishing a better structure in congress. Meaning I hope to actually create some rules that congress agrees to follow. I also hope to educate the congressmen that are newer to the game and create sub-committee's within congress to focus on different aspects of the country. This is something that has been talked about in the past and I believe should be followed through with.

I'll also be running as Myntax Urne's VP on January 5. You will have to wait for his announcement to learn what our goals for the month are 😉
