[JS]Congressional Platform

Day 1,064, 22:46 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman
Goals:-in no particular order
1. Recover from the PTO
2. Education of congressmen
3. Establish a more efficient gov't system
4. Education of non-congressmen

1. Recover from PTO

The recovery is going well considering the circumstances. However, it could and should be going quicker. Many things aren't being done as quickly as they should and its harming the nation. I realize that everyone is doing their best and I'm not trying to put any blame on anyone. I'm simply stating my opinion that the recovery of eMY isn't going the greatest.

The biggest thing I see taking too long is the economy, I realize that PM and Sarawak are the cornerstones of what little economy eMY had, but since we are a small country we should've been prepared in case we lost them. Now that we have lost them and see how bad things really are, we shouldn't be caught unprepared again. There needs to be basic companies in other countries that can export to eMY, whether they are gov't owned or privately owned. They can provide jobs to eMY's if eMY ever gets completely wiped off the map, and will insure that no matter which territories we have, we will always have at least a little of everything stocked up.

2. Education of congressmen

'Nuff said

3. Establish a more efficient gov't system

The current gov't system, as nich2k pointed out, is somewhat inefficient. The congress relies on the president to tell it what to do in many cases. This isn't the way that democracy works. The congress should work independently of the CP. I don't mean that the CP shouldn't have a say in what congress does, only that the CP shouldn't have THE say in what congress does. The only big change that is needed is waiting on the CP's approval for things. If congress agrees to do something then do it, don't wait for the CP to give his opinion and definitely don't dismiss something just because the CP doesn't agree. To use the MPP incident again, congress waited for nich2k to tell them how to vote. That shouldn't need to happen, congress should decide on its own. The CP can give their opinion, but the congresses opinion as a whole is more important.

4. Education of noobs/average eMY's

This is an old idea that has never really taken off. My opinion is that since the in-forum "universities" never seem to work, there should be a list of volunteer experts that is published in-game that can be mailed if a noob has a question. Maybe even include it in the welcome message. This way the questions can be split up between multiple experts rather than one person(the CP) getting any questions the noobs have. There are also of course the noobs that choose to not be helped and would rather find out things on their own. I don't have a problem with that, but not everyone can learn the aspects of the game without help and we shouldn't expect everyone to just pick things up as they go along.

The earlier they can learn the aspects of the game, the bigger the chance that they will take an interest in one or more areas and stay in the game. Also, the sooner they are educated, the sooner they can help eMY out 😉

Thats all I got for the moment, maybe a follow up article in a few days. Comment below with questions and I'll try to address them either in the comments or in another article.

Awwww, kitty