[Joshua Morriseau] Government Officials and Roles Revealed

Day 1,871, 21:52 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Hey everyone just in time for the elections I wanted to give you a look at who will be in the government this term If we are elected and a look at some of the roles we have set out with and hope to achieve.

Interm VCP:Kixtart
Kixtart was my first choice as VCP but unfortunately he doesn't have enough time but he has agreed to be the Interm VCP until someone else applies so if you think your ready to be the VCP please pm me!

This month the Ministry will be working on creating the Netherlands Info Centre. We already have a start on it from a model that was built some time ago so we hope to continue that work. The name is still open to change but the basic idea is that it would have all our basic information on it. It would have all the information such as the top news, political party bios, economic information, our latest current events and so forth. It will help not only people looking to eventually one day move here but help our allies get a better and easier understanding of us and will also help our younger players who need information on a wide variety of subjects.

MoFA:Mc Claren
Advisor:Belo Horizontee
Advisor:van Spijck
This month our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will look at making our alliances even stronger with our EDEN brothers and look at potential new allies. Since we cannot afford to sign many MPP's they will also try to find allies who may be willing to help pay for our part. I also want to improve our military connections with our allies and better communications with them. As mentioned in my last article I think it is important we stay on track with EDEN and continue to support our allies. We will continue to coordinate our battles with our brothers and work closely with them.

Originally what we discussed was wanting to bring about some older programs that weekstrom worked on such as where the government offered shares on the MM of gov orgs as well as a program where loans were offered to younger players and they could collect the profit on it later. However the current market doesn't allow for that but if we have good signs of ending our occupation soon we will start working on getting someone who is up to do the administrative work to get these programs ready. We will also work on trying to cut our budget which I believe we can achieve by calling on citizens to give donations of whatever they can so that we can sign another MPP without taking from our budget.

ssMoHA:X Deadpool
ssMoHA:james janeway
Usually the MoHA has the task of analyzing citizenship requests but since we are not back on the map yet there is something else that the MoHA will do as I stated in my last article. I would like to have this Ministry develop and send out surveys to the citizens of the Netherlands. They will vary in questions from how you feel the government is doing in its job and what we can improve on as well as gathering your personal opinions on how we could improve our programs and laws.

Mo😨Aries Prime
ssMo😨Dave Brinkman
One thing I think that needs to stop is the investing in communes. Right now our communes aren't going as well as we planned. I would like to work with the MoD at finding new opportunities such as trying to find more players abroad who are willing to rent their companies. Of course we will also continue our support for our brothers and work on coordinate RW's if negotiations fail.

The Ministry of Coaching will continue to release articles aimed at helping our younger players grow and learn the fundamentals of erepublik. Zeeuwsmeisje has done a great job of keeping it up to date these past months and will continue to do so. We hope to see if we can attract more younger players to getting involved in another Rookie Contest again and taking part in new contests.

Director of Embassies:Odan
Odan and I were discussing and he brought up the point that since the Director of Embassies job was a bit different perhaps the duration should be longer. This is something I want to look into and discuss with Congress if they also think that this may be something we should look into. If it is then we need to analyze and see how the Director of Embassies should be appointed as well such as elections or appointment by the CP. We will also we looking into getting more younger people involved in becoming Ambassadors. I really want to boost the amount of Ambassadors we have in other nations as well as attracting more to open up embassies here. Our Ambassadors are our ties to other nations so we need to actively recruit to fill the vacancies. Lots of time people don't feel they have enough experience to join the government and get involved but I always tell the same thing, by becoming an Ambassador you make new friends from around the world and you also start gain more experience and help to develop your political resume and learn how other countries function.

As you can see we have a strong team with some great guys that will be working for you this term If we get elected. Also we could still use another ssMoI or two to assist djirtsdew so if you are interested please just send me a pm so we can arrange it.

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau