[Joint Article] A Discussion of Morality

Day 1,577, 17:21 Published in Sweden United Kingdom by Mr. Katze

Not too long ago, Ice Killa and I got into a fairly interesting conversation. That conversation eventually drifted into writing a joint article, this is the result of that conversation. It is a combination of two separate articles we wrote (not published on eRep, link to them at bottom.. both are an interesting read) that were chopping blocked together.

Enjoy.... fool.

noun \mə-ˈra-lə-tē, mȯ-\
a : a moral discourse, statement, or lesson b : a literary or other imaginative work teaching a moral lesson
a : a doctrine or system of moral conduct

These are the official Webster's definitions of the word "morality", but morality, in my eyes, is an undefinable word. Yet it's meaning is universally understood. It is difficult to describe it in words, yet I know of no other way to express it.
What is morality? Well, I can think of many, too many, words to start of with. An individual can explain the simple definition of morality to himself the way he wants and that's why people don't actually understand the concept that when saying this is moral or not, it is actually up to your understanding of things to evaluate if it's correct or not. A culture has a big influence on this as well, some acts are forbidden in some countries due to the foolishness of people, I can't explain it otherwise.
So the question then becomes, what do you define as morality? I define morality as the guidelines to living as an individual, not as a group. This is not to say though that it is wrong to group yourself under moral principles. It is the basic grouping of people agreeing on certain moral principles that keeps the world moving. Your entire life is essentially based upon people being tools for a broken system, but the system still works.

 You can spend time with exploring the magic of morality, but in truth, everyone is right. If someone tells you he is moral, you can't say he is wrong since the meaning is so damn relative. And exactly this is when human understanding comes into place. We, humans, understand everything the way we want it to. If we do something wrong, we tell ourselves it was a right thing to do, while deeper inside you know it was wrong. For example, if you write and know how to express yourself, then you will admit to yourself what kind of a mistake you have done or at least feel some guilt and shame. You have the urge to change things.
An example of how people constantly put up a "falsetto" for living their lives, as to be accepted, is this: One cause for the overpopulation of the Earth, as it currently is, is the fact that the age old system of survival of the fittest no longer operates as it used to in our modern world. In the past, if a child had a disability or was not as physically fit, it would die, and the healthy children would live. It was because of this that the Earth always stayed at a reasonable population and there was rarely issues of there being too many people. However, in our modern society, due to advances in delivering children and then medicating those children, survival of the fittest no longer has it's role and "burdens" as one might call them, are placed on the shoulders of the public, only adding to the over population. Now, if the average person was asked if it was morally correct to kill off the "irregular" children, they will almost always reply with no. Yet, in their head, even if they don't realise it, they know that it's the right thing to do. It is something that has been embedded in our heads since the times of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, roaming the African plains, knowing that the good of the tribe outweighed the good of one individual.

The other idea that has arisen in my head was. Who are we to judge on morality in the first place. We are all immoral in first place, even if the meaning is relative, we have all commited things we aren't proud of. We can be whatever we want to be, we can do whatever we set out to do, but at the end human mind is here to tell us what we want or will become. Human understanding is we will do things that we enjoy, but nowadays it's more or less doing nothing while simply not finding the sense of life in the world we are trapped in. It's quite strange, sometimes you do feel you are trapped in this world and it seems like no one understands your soul, your outside you was never your inside me – as I like to say.
There is simply no way not to go off track when writing this. Human understanding has me going off and up and down. You can spend all your life time writing about nonsense, but writing about sense of life, that's what sense of life is, to find it and exploit it. Reality and fantasy may sound like a completely strange words, having no connection, but in truth, they share a close resemblance and sometimes, sometimes, we don't even know the difference. Morality tells us to think about deep things may not be accepted by most parts of the society, but the ones that give a damn, like to think, think deeper. That's what writing is, carefree thinking while writing something and enjoying it when you express your thoughts out loud on paper. You satisfy your needs for it.

What I am about to say, may indeed be the largest cliche ever, but you are an individual, and you should be proud of that. You are you, and no one can chnage that. If you feel one way about something that differs from everyone else's opinion, state it with pride. I am ashamed with our modern society where people try their best to fit in, so desperatly trying to become invisble, to live normally and happily. I laugh at that prospect, if we were all the same, it would be detestably boring.

To those of you who have read my (Tyler McKinlen/”JMackinaw”) past work, you will remember when I said the words "I am alone, alone with myself." This is both the blessing and the curse of the madman. His intelligence is unparralled, yet he has no one to express with. Alone with myself, forever. It is only in the rarity that I speak with another madman such as myself, that I feel truly comfortable.

 It is with this final statement that we leave you to ponder. Do not be the paint on the picture, instead, be the painter.

Best regards,

~Your Humble Narrator~

Individual articles:
Ice Killa A.K.A. Howly---http://pastebin.com/kwgFnXCM
Tyler McKinlen A.K.A. JMackinaw---http://pastebin.com/by5sKtRA