[Johno] Yum Scrum: Red October's Manifesto

Day 1,048, 15:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow
(You'll notice a lack of images - wanted to get this to y'all asap so you'll have to wait I'm afraid)

Welcome to my big fat Greek manifesto. Let's not waste anyone's time with pretty words and waffle (mmm waffle) and let's get straight down to business. Here's raw policy comin' at ya!

Miss Milf

Here's a policy I like a lot. It's called Mission Military Food, Miss Milf for short. Currently our army's soldiers have a tough time with maintaining their health. Frankly, it's despicable. There's a simple solution: give them more food!

Healthier and deadlier soldiers.

Saying that is good and all, but what you want to know is how I'll get them more food.

Workers' Councils

A series of what we're calling Workers' Councils will be introduced. They will be based on regions (so there will be twelve, one for each), but you do not have to reside in that region in-game in order to be a part of the council.

These councils will have a mandate to run at least one food company that provides food for their workers and the military. They must provide workers no less than one unit of food a day (as well as at least minimum wage) and the military no less than 50% of all their produce. Here's a run down of how they will be organised.

- Congressmen will be appointed to their elected region as joint-head of the council alongside the other elected congressmen in that region.
- All councils report to the under Minister of Workers’ Councils.
- Councils are charged with improving their region, and undertaking work that the MoHA wants done, such as mass-pming, contacting new citizens and educating them about the game and community.
- Additionally, Councils will provide food for the eUK Military, in accordance with the Mission Military Food (Miss Milf) scheme, through the companies that each must manage.
- Councils may be staffed by their Council heads, as they wish, with non-Congress citizens helping in any line of work.
- Decisions regarding surplus stock, wages, capital and any other issues that might arise must be made by popular vote that include all citizens who are a part of the regional council. Citizens may join only one council.
- After things are running smoothly councils may be eligible to loan gold from the state in order to expand into further food companies or even housing companies. The same rules apply to supplying the military though. Loans will also have to be repayed at least in part.
- When selling products prices will be capped at the minimum current market price.

All this of course is open to some trial and error in the early days in order to find the best system. We feel however that Miss Milf and Workers' Councils can play a major part in resolving some of the biggest problems the eUK currently faces.

Ministry of Home Affairs

The Workers' Councils will be under the jurisdiction of the MoHA. This and other factors necessitates a reshuffle in this ministry.

First of all, it is apparent that the Ministry of Communications needs to be reincorporated back into the MoHA. The MoHA will also include other underministries; Culture and Workers' Councils.


Communications will be an umbrella underministry for:

Wiki -
The Wiki Department will be in charge of ensuring that the eRepublik Wiki is as helpful to our new citizens as it possibly can be. At the beginning of this term, with lots of help from Open Government hopefully, we need to blitz eUK related pages and make sure that they are not clogging up the plans for the rest of the term. If we do that then the wiki will be much easier to maintain.

PMing -
PMing will likely be the department that relies most upon Open Government. Their job is to ensure that any government regimes or initiatives are known to everyone - particularly to those who might not come onto the forums and IRC.

Education -
Education’s job will be to ensure that any citizens who may not be as informed as some of us don’t stay that way for long. The aim is to ensure it has at least one article out each week.

The Role of Open Government -
All of the above departments will, hopefully, have a fair amount of help from Open Government. In order to encourage this, all of the threads which would otherwise be within a private MoHA forum will be moved to the Open Government forum where citizens can pop in and out to help as they please. As such, the role of apprentice, for this department is more or less null. I’m sure if you regularly help out then you will be given some form of reward.


The uM of Culture will act as an umbrella ministry for the following departments.

Entertainment -
Sometimes the eUK can be a boring place. This is intolerable. The MoHA and the Entertainment department will be under strict orders to change... but ya know, I'll order it in a fun way. In all seriousness I personally hold this as a priority so I will expect the MoHA to do the same,

Gifting -
The gifting programme has been pretty successful lately but this doesn't mean we can afford to take a step back or stop looking for ways to improve. We will endeavour to build on success.

Recruitment -
Recruitment’s job this month, as with last, is to try and get the eUK more citizens. This is a particularly difficult job so anyone who applies will need to be prepared to work hard.

Media -
It's job will be to continue the success of the National Newspaper, keep citizens up to date with the literary goings-on, and to reward good journalism.

The Role of Open Government -
For Entertainment and Recruitment, Open Government will be essential, and like the Communication departments, will move their thread over to that forum. However, as Gifting and Media require access to an org, something which we can obviously not give out freely, the role of Open Government will be somewhat restricted here and their threads will remain private (to be publicised at the end of the month, as always).

Military Policy

I want the General Staff to be as autonomous as sensibly possible. I do not think it is wise for politicians to intefere in the running of the military. The only changes that would be brought about by me are the consequences of Miss Milf which we hope will revolutionise how the military supports its troops.

Miss Milf should see a lot more food becoming available to each and every eUK Soldier, which will dramatically increase their damage output and our military capability.

Foreign policy

In regards to alliances, my government will be dedicated to Phoenix. We shall take the defence of all Phoenix nations to be as crucial as that of our own. We will endeavour to continue to support Phoenix in military operations, remembering their help to us in our time of need.

The policy will be moral and a liberator’s policy. We shall struggle to preserve the sovereignty of our allies and all non-aggressive occupied peoples.

Bon appetit!

I'll add some more meat to these bones in an article tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Little Cabinet bites

In the spirit of democracy, inclusion and participation this month’s cabinet must be a strong one. I intend to include ministers in decision making more than any previous president has. Power is will be spread out in the eUK and that includes the power of the president in favour of his cabinet. As well as this the cabinet must be a strong one to deal with the changes that need to be made and will be implemented in the following month.

If you are interested in the challenge of progressing our society and pushing the boundaries of imaginative government then this is the cabinet for you, so apply here

Deputy Prime Minister - This term will be a democratic one and as such a deputy minister who can make decisions that will benefit everyone in terms of domestic, foreign and military polices will make a great addition to the government.

Ministry of Home Affairs - The MoHA will be split over three large areas, namely communications, culture and workers councils, with their own smaller departments. Though each section will be vast in its scope, I will use Open Government to a larger extent so that everyone can be involved with helping the ministry with some of its more demanding and important tasks.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The MoFA will need to follow my plans for this term and do much more than my very competent opponents’ term as MoFA. As a high profile diplomatic role, the successful applicant will be expected to release frequent articles and keep abreast with the news as the happen around the eWorld.

Ministry of Finance - Our treasury is our most vital possession which allows us to pay for MPPs, military wages and fund the various departments. A MoF who can be trusted and capable of maintaining accurate records will ensure our government remains stable.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs - As our congress becomes increasingly competent each month the more complex the legislative procedures become. The MoLA will need to be impartial and able to cope under the pressure of managing proposals discussion and voting times accordingly.

Cabinet Secretary - As always the Cabinet Secretary will have a very demanding job. The appointed secretary will be expected to help keep ministers and the public informed on a daily basis.

Yeah so apply. Even if you don't fancy your chances it's worth it.