Jerusalem To Northern Cape!

Day 918, 19:54 Published in South Africa Israel by Jewyoyo
Shalom, sanibonani, groete!

My name is Jewyoyo, I am a recent immigrant to South Africa, having just moved to Northern Cape. I moved here from Jerusalem (Israel). In Israel I was very active in politics; I served 6 terms in congress and 2 terms as party president of Israel's second biggest party. Lately though I had become inactive, so I decided to spend time in other countries when my term was over. I chose to move to South Africa because I have always been interested in South African culture and history; it seems like a unique country. Plus the economy here is good, and South Africa will become incredibly important soon. I hope to continue my journalism in this country too, so please subscribe! I will be writing about national and international events. It's good to be in a new place. I look forward to working here, fighting here, and helping South Africa to become a stronger country.

Peace be upon you,


Where I Came From:

Where I Am Now: