[JDS Report] JDS Update - December and January

Day 2,634, 19:13 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Good afternoon Australia! And Happy Friday to you all.

EDIT: Thanks for the image help, pr3zzyy. At least one is back now!

Secondly, why the hell am I only doing the December report now? (6 days late with the Jan report is actually pretty good for me – so only the December one counts as late).

Well, I was off in India for about a month, amongst other things getting married. So that was a lot of fun. However, I’m now back on the important stuff – the wonderfully sexy JDS and all the good things it does.

Remember now, there are two strands to this – the traditional JDS where you get gold for completing simple tasks:

Click here to see those tasks!

And Rusty’s eFarming plan – where you get extra gold for working every day, which you should be doing anyway! There is an article somewhere explaining this but it’s basically as simple as this:

1. Get a job working for Rusty D or BOUD1CCA (they are advertised at $7.01 I think in the job market)
2. Work every day for a week
3. Get free gold
4. Repeat, repeat, repeat
5. Every so often get very discounted goods from the eFarmers so you also enjoy the fruits of your labour.

So simple even I can understand it.

Righto – onto the numbers...

We started December with 82g in the pot as well as $93,045 in AUD. Remember the JDS is entirely funded by donations – we have never, and will never, use Government money for this. That’s just one of the reasons we are awesome.

In December:

JDS: 1 player got 5g for completing tasks
eFarming: 14g was paid out to workers

We also received a generous donation from Guagature to the tune of 10g.
So, we ended up on 73g and still 93,045 buckaroos.

Moving into January and we started the New Year in fine style:

JDS: 2 players received a whopping 30g between them
eFarming: 26g was paid out to workers.

So in the past two months we have paid out an incredible 75g as part of these two schemes. A wonderful amount you will surely agree.

And that’s why the JDS is the best example of a new player assistance scheme in the whole damn world.

The eFarming scheme has paid out 44g itself in the three months it has been running. Magic stuff.

So at the end of Jan, we had 17g and – thanks to endorsements - 93,245 Aussie dollars in the bank.

And looking at my to do list I can see two more players have applied for JDS money as well this month already – will be getting to this soon, folks. Thanks for your patience.

So, for any new players who want free gold for doing stuff you would be doing anyway – PM me without delay.


Over and out,
JDS Director