[jargon|en] No More Mold, No More Derp

Day 1,450, 23:06 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

Once upon a time there was a former Prime Minister that had a conversation with the then sitting Prime Minister. They talked about various things, I forget exactly what, but the sitting Prime Minister gave the former one some advice: des ostis in the end never have anything to offer to the group, because whatever they offer will inevitably end up being canceled out.

The former Prime Minister had stabilized a currency, and would go on to become re-elected and conquer a foreign capital. Yet, after all of these achievements, his nation would only remember him for a single, very ungentlemanly conversation, a conversation which would cost the nation one of its best resources.

Patriotism does not ask you to blindly accept everything that happens. We don't say that you have to eat the moldy bread as well as the good bread because it's all part of the same loaf. If someone were to argue that you should keep a gangrenous limb because to remove it would be to deface your body, we would look at them funny. Why should we take a similar view towards members of a community?

Elders have commented before, if I may get metaphysical, that the only true punishment we can have in a browser-based game is that of community shunning. My fellow Canadians, we are facing an honestly smart enemy. As we have put up wall after wall to implement this sanction, we have only found that if you build a better mousetrap, then someone will build a better mouse. With our belief in honor and goodwill opposing technicalities and strategy, we have been bringing a knife to a gunfight.

What recourse do we have then, against an enemy that seeks new ways to exploit the rules? It is simple - we change the rules.

We can learn to separate the state of Canada from the nation of Canada. Because our opponents have fought for control of Canada, we can cede to them control of the state of Canada as we move the nation out of their reach.

My fellow Canadians, for us to expect that the prior time was the last time we would be smacked around is naive at best. The time to leave is now. We have tried the rule of law and it has failed. If we wish to save our interest in the game and in our nation, we must jettison the negative elements before it fully poisons the environment and colors everything else we do in the New World.

Keep in touch.