[jargon|en] No, I Ain't An Aristocrat

Day 1,458, 10:55 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

I received a PM last night from someone we'll call "Schmishmcds" to protect his privacy. Suffice to say, it gave me a very clear reminder of how I'm not culturally British.

Schmishmcds's message began with a simple request - please stop sending recruiting PMs to my party, "the largest and only functional right-wing party in the UK." Leaving the judgment of whether Schmish's party is functional or not aside, this is an understandable request. Why he chose to send it to me, as someone who is not an officeholder in my political party, is also something I don't quite understand, but again we'll set that aside for now.

What could have been a simple gentlemanly request between fellow Britons, though, quickly shifted to a 'whose is bigger' contest. While he 'threatened' to message the new players of a non-Top 5 party "each and every day" if his demands were not met, Schmishmcds took the time to remind me that he is a "7 time President, 12 time Party President, former Alliance leader for three separate alliances, and whatnot." Also, he "[has] money."

Well, good for you, Schmishmcds. If you have the time to push around a non-influential member of a small party, and also time to manage a Top 5 party while PMing a non-Top 5 party while being a former 7 time President, 12 time Party President, former Alliance leader for three separate alliances and whatnot, then bully for you. Personally, I believe in democracy, which means I don't particularly care who you are, but rather what you say. And if what you have to rely on to back up your argument is not reason, but pedigree, it makes me wonder how strong your argument is to begin with. Also, to bypass the simple request and head straight for the ultimatum, you gotta wonder what kind of negotiation skills the guy has. Honey before vinegar, Mr Prime Minister.

But, if you want to play that game, Schmishmcds, then fine. While you're busy being a former 7 time President, 12 time Party President, former Alliance leader for three separate alliances and whatnot, all while having money, I'm going to go and do adult things with my fiancé.