[jargon|en] L'Appel du 1449

Day 1,449, 12:21 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

As Canadians, we have seen dark days. We have seen our nation conquered by foes from within and from without. We have been robbed both economically and culturally. Yet, as a nation we have persevered and kept moving forward until we can take our rightful position with the other major powers of the New World, confident in determining our own destiny.

Have our efforts been wasted? With a defeated heart, like the proverbial phoenix, I declare that it is. The unrelenting attacks on role-players and anyone else with a sense of propriety and common decency has torn our state asunder, and we deceive only ourselves in thinking otherwise. It has left us vulnerable to threats such as the recent PTO of the Union Nationale. It causes us to approach each other with a spirit of discord instead of fraternity, and in that respect we lost the country ages ago. However, though we may have lost the country, we will never lose our nation if we act now.

The Quebecois are painfully aware of the sociological distinction between a nation and a state ("…que les Québécoises et les Québécois forment un nation au seine d'un Canada uni"). If the difference is not clear to you, replace 'nation' with 'ethnic group' and you've got it. Indeed, we have worked hard to create a nation from the disparate individuals who have arrived, and it sets us apart in the New World. Consider this - who else could understand National Insult Day, for starters?

What has been at stake, then, is who should run the state - the nation of Canadians who combine to improve ourselves as we advance in the New World, or the few who have chosen to follow the letter of the law rather than the spirit. My fellow Canadians, if we continue this fight for the state, it will be a pyrrhic victory. Certainly the nation is worth fighting for, as some have said - but the world, both old and New teaches us that a nation can exist and thrive without a state.

For those who choose to place self before country, for those who seek to master the rules rather than respect them, for those who choose to play politics rather than lead, for those who grief, we cede the country to you. Declare victory, drink, celebrate, do what you need to do. I say to you that you have gotten what you wanted.

For those who take pride in their identity, for those who aspire to grow, for those who think outside the box, for those who are giving, for those who are wise, who are kind, who are gentlemen; in short, for those who combine to create this great nation of Canada, we must leave our country if we are to save our nation.

Does this mean that we have lost the war, my fellow Canadians? Absolutely not! We have one thing that will carry us through this next phase - our commitment to each other and our nation. We Canadians will find a new home, make popcorn, and watch as the state of Canada collapses from within.

Many have chosen Ireland as a place of refuge, some have chosen France. I have personally chosen the United Kingdom for the time being. Wherever you choose to go, leave now before it gets worse. Keep in touch, mes concitoyens errants, until we are able to reunite in either a new home, or hopefully even return to our homeland.

And take care of yourself in the meantime. Our nation cannot survive without you.