~January '09: The Presidential and VP Candidates~

Day 410, 20:47 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

Happy birthday to me.

Don't read this article for specifics. Don't read this article for platforms. Don't read this article to base your final vote off of, and don't read this article if you've already made up your mimd. This is me, voicing my feelings on each separate candidate for the upcoming elections in two days.

I have known DesertFalcon, Justinious, and Uncle Sam throughout their entire erepublik careers. They are three of the best friends that I have made in this new world, four if Emerick was running. If anybody's got an understanding for their personalities, I'd say that it's me. I'll do my best to remain unbiased in this article, and the best response (not a competition really, just for the sake of noted effort) will earn my personal vote, which really doesn't do much besides +1.

DesertFalcon was this month's acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, or Secretary of State, along with Emerick. He is noted globally for his contributions in The Global Defense Report. If anybody knows past wars and country-personalities better than the current presidents, it's DesertFalcon. He was the one who initially propose the idea of the USA going to war with France, even though Canada beat us to posting it in the forums 😉. Admittedly, he lacks in the field of Economics, but he makes up for it in his diplomatic tendencies and actions. Though his activity has been somewhat sporadic over the past month, it has overall been increasing. He will be very vocal in the upcoming month if elected. His VP candidate, Moise, promises organization and nationalism.

Economic intelligence: 3/10
Foreign affairs: 9/10
Activity level (VP and Pres): 8/10
Influence in the media: 9/10
Harmony with his VP: 8/10

Justinious McWalburgson III (Justinious or Justin for short) was this month's and the month before that's vice-president in my administration. He was active throughout, though not very vocal. When his voice was not heard in the media, you could here mine instead. His activity on the Atlantis forums was great when needed and he was a very helpful acting-president when I was absent. He is definitely one of my top-5 friends in eRepublik, a people's person, and very, very economic-savvy. His vice-presidential candidate, PrincessMedyPi, is just as much a people's person as she is a tease (joke). We've grown very close since I invited her to the States when she was living in Turkey. She is a rising star in congress, extremely active, and often very spoken. Needless to say that if Justin is ever MIA, Melody will take up his spot swimmingly. The one thing Princess lacks, which Justinious makes up for, are her relations with foreign powers. Though she hails from Asian countries, countries that many presidents before have not interacted with, she does not communicate with the Atlantis countries as much as she will need to if elected in January. If Justinious is elected, anticipate thoroughly explained and improved taxation and monetary manipulation, leading to a better economy.

Economic intelligence: 10/10
Foreign affairs: 8/10
Activity level (VP and Pres): 8/10
Influence in the media: 6.5/10
Harmony with his VP: 9/10

Uncle Sam is as patriotic as his name makes him out to be. Though somewhat ego-tastic from time to time, he is definitely a people's person like the other candidates, and knows the eUS economy as well as I do (punned irony intended). Though he was not as active of an uMoFA as I would have liked him to be, his activity levels have been improving since RL has become less involved. His vice-presidential candidate, GoBucks, is all about organization like Moishe is. Though I don't know his economic policies as much as Uncle Sam's or Justin's, I think that he can help Uncle Sam along very well when it comes to military backing and knowledge.

Economic intelligence: 7/10
Foreign affairs: 8/10
Activity level (VP and Pres): 9/10
Influence in the media: 8/10
Harmony with his VP: 8/10

Who you pick is up to you. If you have any questions on the candidates, you can ask me, but asking them directly would be more respectful as well as more professional.

Thanks for reading.

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. I'm trying to become the first real Media Mogul in erepublik 😉

~Benn Dover
President of the eUS~