[Janty F] The Home Food Company expands

Day 4,021, 06:56 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

(take the article with a pinch of sarcasm, thx 😉 )

Greetings, citizens of eNetherlands

it is my pleasure to inform you, that as of today, the Home Food Company, the No.1* producer of food and stuff in eNetherlands** has expanded even more and will now produce not only the delicious food ***, but also other amazing things!

* when you exclude cheaters like Shawtyl0w, who obviously cheat
** in eIran
*** old bread and vegetable salad

Today, 30 new factories have been built, and five factories have been upgraded. For the first time ever in its history, Home Food Company will now be producing Q7 tanks for the Dutch market*. New perspective workers** will make sure the tanks will be ready each day. To support the tank industry, 29 Saltpeper mines have been constructed***, so that our market does not suffer from sudden saltpeper shortages. Home Food Company also expanded in Food industry, upgrading 3 Q2 food factories to Q3 and purchasing a new Cattle Farm, which will surely make the food even more rich in nutrients ****!

* not until Janty F refills after the event
** random lvl20 citizens, who might soon die due to poor working conditions, and who will have to be regularly replaced due to death
*** and the salt and pepper might be occasionally used in food as well!
**** because bread is usually made from cows, right?

Do not forget that bigger production will also have positive impact on our taxes, which will surely grow* due to new factories being constructed by Dutch citizens all over the world. So Home Food company** will be contributing to the better well-being of eNetherlands!

* atleast until someone will propose to lower them, as someone already should 😇
** together with all the other companies, which are probably more relevant

That is all for now - and before you go, remember our new motto:

The biggest, most beautiful tanks you have ever seen? Only at Home Food Company, your local bread producer! Buy one today, or two tomorrow!