[Italy] Guerilla Warfare against Spain

Day 783, 07:48 Published in Italy France by Entente Cordiale

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Official Bulletin from the Entente's
Military and Logistic Department

War in France
The war in France against Spain and Poland is still raging. By constant swaps of the regions Spain is turning Poland into a tool to deprive us of our initiative and to deny us a chance to change the tide of the war.

Our only way of conduct, presently, is to keep RWs active. The High Command is considering ways to increase chances to end this war as soon as possible, and the answer is GUERRILLA warfare.
In this kind of war, the strength will take no part at all: also if you are not a strong tank, you will be greatly effective in this operation.
The purpose of this operation, rather than cause damage to the battlefields, is to damage Spanish economy. So, EVERY EFFORT COUNTS, even if you are an under level 20 player!

Here you will find detailed instructions on how to maximize the damage you can make to Spain and spanish companies, in particular.

Purposes of the Guerrilla Warfare
1. Damage Enemy's economy
2. Fight effectively in RWs opened in the enemy's country
3. Overwhelm the native newspapers

How to damage enemy's economy
It is quite simple. These days, it is a general requirement for employers to work with 90+ wellness, otherwise you'll be fired. This is because all the salaries are trimmed to fit workers with 70 wellness (if the GM is wise) or even with 100% wellness (if the GM is noob).
If you work with VERY low wellness, you will take a good amount of Spanish currency while producing nothing. BINGO!
To achieve this, do the following every erepublik day:
0. Be sure that your wellness is above 40. if it is not, contact your govt officers to help you recover some wellness.
1. Fight until your wellness drops under 40
2. Go to the Job Market, search for the highest paid job for your skills (We strongly recommend IRON and WEAPON companies, if there's none, look for a GIFT or MT company)
2a. If there are 2 companies offering the same salary, choose the one where you will make less produce.
2b. If you would produce the same amount of items, choose the richest one (usually the one with higher q, or with more licenses)
2c. MAKE SURE THAT THE COMPANY IS LOCATED IN SPAIN and that it is owned by a Spanish. We will provide a list of companies on the Entente side, try to not harm them if you can.
3. Apply and work immediately
4. Once you have some ESP in your account, go to the Monetary Market and sell them at the lowest rate possible, to weak the enemy's currency. if you need tips about the Monetary Market, ask your government officers.
5. Go to hospital, and heal
that's all for the ECONOMY part. Let's proceed with the MILITARY one

How to Fight Effectively in RWs
1. Check the official newspaper and find out which RW is considered the most important one.
2. If available, ask your officers to provide weapons to fight with
3. Fight until your wellness is just above 40 again (alternatively, if you use house or higher quality food, just make sure your wellness will be above 40 the next day — you can use any Erepublik wellness calculator to help you)
3a. Do not worry to do wrong calculation, your officers will help you to recover the wellness needed.

How to overwhelm enemy's media
Good, if you have reached this point, you are doing well against the invader.
Now, it is time to show your will to be free again. If you have a newspaper, do the following

0. Make sure that your newspaper is in SPAIN - you can do this in "edit newspaper details"
1. Write an article
1a. Be sure that your article can not be classified as spam: argument your sayings. Be ready to be mass-reported, so make sure you do not give any chance for the enemies to kick you.
1b. We will prepare a list of sentences you can copy-paste from, to let you save time and be spam-free
2. Write a misleading title, or change it often.
3. Vote all the resistance articles you see, it is important to make all such articles to reach the top rated news.
3a. We will provide a list of the resistance newspapers that will need to be voted on a regular basis.
4. Enlist to the Entente Media Mogul Medal Project. You will earn a MMM and provide 5 golds to the Entente to help France to be free again. It is a Win-Win, right? 😃