"It's time to get moving" - CV James for MDU PP

Day 480, 10:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James
Vote for CV JAMES by clicking here!

CV James - Moving the Movement Forward

Just another update from me on the Party President elections to be held tomorrow! My manifesto is avaliable to read here, if you have any comments, questions or criticisms, I'd love to hear them! You can PM me, leave a reply or email me at cvjames.euk@googlemail.com.

To sum up my manifesto (available here):
I can offer experience, dedication, activity, motivation. I am always active on the forums, and am very up to date with events not just happening in eUK, but around the world.

I am, and will continue to work for the update of our party manifesto. I have now drafted two copies and look forward to working closer with the party in further improving it.

More MDU law proposals and greater MDU participation in the Commons are vital if we are to continue to stay a leading party in eUK. It is unfair that we just sit back and become "complacent" - we must be at the forefront of political activity

Reintroduction of departmental weekly reports to keep the party informed on events.

Foreign "partner parties" with whom we can share ideas and work together to not just improve our own party, but also our country's relations.


If you have any questions on any of the above, or wish to ask for my personal stance on anything else, do not hesitate to ask below, or PM me!

It's time to get the MDU moving again.

Whilst wishing my fellow candidates the best of luck on the 15th March, I ask you to vote CV JAMES for MDU Party President!

Yours faithfully,
CV James
Moving the Movement Forward

Vote for CV JAMES by clicking here!