[ IT ] Introducing A New Party !!

Day 1,522, 09:09 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by zafthfirst

Hello readers o7
First of all i would like to thank all of those who voted for me in the party president election.
Toghether we defeated Maniak1715 and co. and took back what was rightfully ours.
As we all know that we pakistanis aren't much in numbers and only some of us are active.
A big reason for that is newbies don't have anything to enjoy (koi dramay bazi nahi hai bhai?) and rest are getting bored.
Political activity in this Country is limted to the elections and sense of competition is no where to be seen which takes all the fun out of the game !
So to create some activity and fun in pakistan,i'm introducing a new party which will be called


As our great Quaid said :
United We Stand !
Divided We Fall !
so,let this be our motto and let us be united under the banner of this party and flag of our nation !

I'm the current president but i open the door to welcome all senior and young players to join this and make their way to the top (that rules me out 🙁 ).

Join the party and lets really enjoy this game !

and wait !

Subscribe & vote Lazmi !!!