[ IT ] Interview With Kualkerr - Secrets unearthed !

Day 1,533, 10:31 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by zafthfirst

One of the most famous Tanks.A true Patriot.Greatest ePakistani Ever and an RL pakistani.Whenever Pakistan needed help,it looked towards KuaLkerr.He has honored me with some of his precious time to answer questions that will reveal this Great Man behind the legend,and unearth his secrets !
He is a martyr and will live in Our hearts forever!

How would you like to introduce yourself ?
I am a dead ePakistani who was killed in action defending his beloved homeland. For some, i am the super soldier! Some others consider me a leader of Pakistan. And a few know me as the king of 'erep underworld'. I am just a patriot who did everything he could trying to defend his country. I started as a businessman, since i was a business student when i joined. But later, i had to give up my economic ambitions n join pakistan military.A soldier never quits till hez dead... so i had to die in order to quit... i always knew it was inevitable! So here m i...!

Could you explain the meaning and the story behind your name and what can you tell us about your real life ?
If i told u the story behind my name, your article wud probably get deleted so i would refrain from answering this part of your question. In rl, my name is AbuZar which means 'Father of wealth" 😉 ... hmm what else can be told about my rl. Ok, I am 25 years old. I am a manager in a car manufacturing company. And i like(d) to play erepublik when i am at work.

Share one of your achievments in this game that you are most proud of.
Harassing admin like no one ever did before!😃 I am the guy with probably the highest nuisance value for admin. That, i consider my best achievement since i've always been a rebel! Other than that, wiping India in December 2010 is something I consider a highlight of my erep career!

What was your elife Plan.what did you plan to accomplish ?
My aim was to ignite a babyboom in ePakistan. Bring a couple thousand citizens in ePakistan. The dream could never come true.

Which country did you like the most except pakistan?
Serbia! Men of honor! Serbs always answered my call for help! Stood by ePakistan in hard times. I owe them a lot of gratitude!

Would you like to reveal who were those hidden hands behind the conspiricy of your ban ?
Turks! The friends from the 'brotherhood'. Turned against pakistan for a resource. When i refused to comply, they exploited the things they had on me.

Would you like to share your opinion about epolitics?
Dirty! Like rl politics! 90% of the people from different countries i met in erep whined about teh same thing -> Politics in their respective countries is messed up, a few people exploiting the system, some noobs calling bad shot, trolls etc. Every ecountry is the same. Messed up by power struggle between politicians.

What part of the game attracted you most?
LOL. Isnt it obvious? Tanking! especially in the post-v2 era!

You accepted that you didn't respect erepublik terms of service,how would you justify that?
Well. I aint gonna justify that as such. I started doing it for fun. And a way of expressing my rebelious sentiments for admin n their tyrany. Later, i started making money from it. Almost all of which was reinvested in erep. It won us wars. So i dont really need to justify that. We have always been at war. Everything is fair in it!

What messege would you like to give to your eEnemies and eFriends ?
Same message... for both of them! This is just a game. We play it for fun. Dont bring hatred in this game. Erepublik was crap ever since v1. I kept playing it cuz i loved the community. N most of us r here cuz of the community , not the game... then why bring rl politics in game n hate each other for that? Live and let live!😉 And miss me !

Any regrets?

No regrets at all whatsoever! I am proud of what i did..

Are we going to see kuaLkerr back in action ?
Death is only the beginning, my friend!

That's all,thanks for your time!
Thank u for comming all the way down in hell to conduct this interview! I will look forward towards ur article.

Thanks to kualkerr for his time..
