【台武聯黨刊特別號】該輪到我們咆哮了嗎?Is it the time for us to roar?(EN/CH)

Day 1,648, 01:24 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by JulianScorpion






















Is it the time for us to roar?

Written by one of the eROC congressman , chairman in one of the eROC top 5 party . This just means the writter is not nobody .

Our country have many problem in the near future . I want to talk about external problems first . Now which external problem is most important for us ? eJP problems .

I saw many public statements made by eJP president and watch many newspaper in eJP . I think I need to remind you some place you forget , That is why I need to use my poor english . If anyone think it's difficult to read , I think you can read chinese portion , it is more close to my idea .

I have so many patience for you , eJP . Many of my friends (include many congressman and presidents) try hard to affect me to be more friendly to eJP . That is why this article's title is " Is it the time for us to roar? " but not " My roar . "

Anyone remember how did eJP free themselves?

When eJP had been destoried by eROC , after our negotiation , finally we got consensus : eROC free some eJP lands according to conditional .

I think the only mortal enemy of eROC is eSK . Why we destory eJP ? Because you assist our enemy .

And why we free eJP later ? Because I wasn't in eROC congress at the time...( It's a joke lol ) ......Because you gave us promise you will not assist eSK anymore .

Then you got some lands back , as our consensus ( It's important because if you don't like this consensus , you CAN refuse it in negotiation )

Maybe we encountered so many damn problems like we free too many land or to early for you . Well , it does not matter . Friendship is more important. They always said that .

BUT , BUT I ALMOST FXXK CRAZY MAD when I saw what happened in May 20-23 .

If your president and very small number of doves in your country didn't say something about this , I will never give you any chance .

Now these fait accompli that has caused by you include assist eSK and illegal possession of territory , according to our agreement .

I know political question need time to solve , I don't intend to be too difficult to you .

But please return the lands according to our agreement and do it as fast as you can . It is not difficult . It is YOUR PROMISE to us.

If you really do it , I will not to support any discuss like to destory eJP again .

Please think carefully about my words .

Prove your honor and trustworthy. Then perhaps we can maintain a longer friendship.

