[Irish Army] Week 5 Report

Day 3,948, 08:51 Published in Ireland Poland by Irish Army

September 11th, 2018 (Day 3,94😎

Currently the Irish Army is a recipient of a 200 Gold sponsorship from the Plato Foundation. This sponsorship enabled the Irish Army to further enhance our supply system with the aim of motivating Irish citizens to get active and be present on the battlefield.

This 200 Gold was sold on the monetary market gold resulting in this months funds from the Plato Foundation amounting to 86,438.87.

With this money, we purchased 51,000 Q1 Food at a price of 0.24 per unit, costing us 12,240cc

We made payments as part of the Irish Army Airborne initiative to the value of 29,420cc

We also purchased 650 tanks at a price of 57.5cc/unit costing 37,375

This gives us a weekly cost of 79,035cc*

However, our costs would be much higher had we not received a discount on our food purchases from Rusty D and a discount on tank purchases from MeDs Leinad.

*Closing Stock of 11,500 Q1 Food and 175 Tanks were used resulting in a lower expense this week. Closing cash balance of 7,403.87cc

[Our Supplies]

Thanks to the funding from the Plato Foundation, Irish Army soldiers can now receive the following supplies:


When the Irish Army first began our programs, the administration was a long and tedious aspect that occupied over an hour of time as data needed to be compiled and then the supplies dispensed from both the Irish Army organisation as well as from my own personal account.

Fortunately there is a great team working behind the scenes and the supply network has been sped up with the assistance of MeDs Leinad. Our greatest achievement however is the product of our own Kevin Sheridan who has created a scripted Google Doc that captures all of the required data needed for supplying as well as giving a snapshot overview of the military units progress.

[How Have We Progressed]

Daily Orders Completed.

Week 1 Daily Orders Complete😛87
Week 2 Daily Orders Complete😛 109
Week 3 Daily Orders Complete😛 117
Week 4 Daily Orders Complete😛 124
Week 5 Daily Orders Complete😛 125
Overall Improvement: Increase in completed Daily Orders by 43%

Air Kills.

Week 1 Air Kills: 6438
Week 2 Air Kills: 7725
Week 3 Air Kills: 8973
Week 4 Air Kills: 9216
Week 5 Air Kills: 11290

Over Improvement: Increase in Air Kills by 75.35%

National Rankings

1st in Air Kills
1st in Air Damage
3rd in Tank Kills
3rd in Tank Damage

Additional Activities

1) As usual we held our Sunday Night Air Strike in which we fought for Ireland in our war with China. This went exceptionally well as with no notice given, we brought the strike forward half an hour and deployed 7 soldiers who all received 1000 Q1 food for their part.

In the week ahead we plan on holding another Strike at 12:00 eRepublik time on our Discord channel.

[The Impact of The Plato Foundation]

As this is our fourth week receiving funds from the Plato Foundation, we have been asked to give an overview of how the foundation has assisted our project and the impact it had in order to secure future funding.

1) A financial overview of the month. A ratio of how much was financed by the Foundation versus how much was funded by other sources.

The Irish Army was originally 100% financed by private donations but thanks to the Plato Foundation we are able to provide all of our soldiers additional supplies through a more diverse reward scheme. Due to strict budgeting and generous discounts, we have managed our finances perfectly and generally have little margin of error. Over the past month Irish Army received 800 Gold.

With this we have given out the following:
149,220cc for Air Kills
2250 Q7 Weapons
236,000 Q1 Food

2) The impact on the community: How did it affect the participants? Rank ups, more active citizens and so on.
Activity has grown tremendously. We began with only two members completing 7 Daily Orders versus now where we have 13 members. We are the largest organised organisation (between military and political) in Ireland and our weekly strikes on Discord attract normally 33% of our unit. On top of this I fully believe our community has become more active and involved in the game. Up to 5 citizens also took up Irish citizenship to be part of the Irish Army

3) Possible changes that might be applied in the following month. For example: adjusted rewards, new rewards, other things like a Discord server for the participants, anything that comes to mind really.
For the month ahead, we are mainly looking at improving our scripted capabilities so that we can supply soldiers automatically. Another avenue we are looking at it to add our own missions for which our soldiers will be rewarded. For example, we plan on having multiple daily orders and once a soldier fights in an assigned daily order, they will receive supplies for this.

With regards to supplies, we aim to provide further increase the amount of food made available to our members.

4) We would also like a quick feedback on your interaction with the Board during the month. Have our requirements been clear enough? Did we communicate enough? Do you think we should maybe change something? We're open to any justified and constructive criticism.

Interaction began great but as we moved further into the project, communication became next to nil besides submitting the report. Feedback into our reports and any alteration that we require to maintain our funding has not existed.

Always in the fight

The Irish Army Command
Slua, Commander
T1nk3r, 2nd Commander
Armanych, 2nd Commander
aimeisan, Captain
General Hi Story of Trite, Captain