[Interviu]alzena :,,calitatea oamenilor este mult prea alterata''[RO:EN]

Day 1,803, 08:59 Published in Romania Romania by TheYakuzini

Salutare cititori ai acestui ziar si nu numai !
Asta seara am realizat un interviu cu alzena.O femeie foarte civilizata si are tot respectul meu pentru ce a facut si ce face.Va astept parerile/sugestiile lasand comentariu la acest articol 😉

-o7 alzena,poti sa imi acorzi un interviu?
hey, dap

-Spune-mi cateva lucruri despre persoana din spatele contului alzena.

Ma numesc Oana, locuiesc în judetul Brasov si am un pic peste 31 de ani, ar mai fi multe de spus dar nu cred ca e nici locul, nici timpul pentru asta

-Cum ai intrat in eRepublik? De unde ai auzit de acest joc?
Despre eRepublik stiu de prin 2009 si trebuie sa recunosc nu întelegeam cum poate cineva sa petreaca atâta timp cu un joc. Contul alzena l-am creat în niste circumstante mai complicate din real life si primele 3-4 luni de zile nu prea i-am dat importanta, a fost doar o modalitate prin care puteam sta pe mibbit fara sa primesc “kick” 😃

-Cum a fost eCopilaria ta in joc ?
Nu am avut o e-copilarie propriu-zisa, nu am trecut pe la GN, am crescut ajutata de cei pe care îi cunoasteam. Cum am mai spus mai sus primele 3-4 luni de zile nu prea i-am dat importanta iar apoi l-am cunoscut pe Simon Santo si asa am ajuns sa fac parte din LEGIUNEA BERETELE VERZI. În momentele respective jocul a început sa ma atraga câtusi de putin iar relatiile formate cu ceilalti colegii de unitate au început sa devina tot mai strânse întratât încât în decembrie 2010, de Craciun, am participat la prima întalnire eRepublik, sau mai bine zis o mini întâlnire , la Brasov.

-Joci de ceva vreme ..cum vezi jocul dupa atat timp petrecut in el?
De cand am eu contul s-a schimbat foarte mult.....Nu stiu daca in bine sau nu....A fost o perioada destul de lunga in care am fost foarte implicata si am petrecut foarte mult in joc si atunci poate as fi avut mai multe de spus

-Ce poti spune ca ai realizat in joc de cand ai contul si cu ce te poti lauda?
Nu stiu daca am realizat ceva, nu cred ca scopul acestui joc e de a face ceva doar pentru a te putea lauda cu el apoi, dar cred ca ma pot mândri cu faptul ca am condus bine unitatea de când ma ocup de ea si ma bucur ca am reusit sa fim o familie, apoi implicarea în ceea ce presupune exteriorul unitatii a început în timpul mandatului lui Cronoss care atunci m-a ales sa fac parte din echipa lui de la Ministerul Educatiei alaturi de WayMilky luna care a urmat a început activitatea mea ca si v-mod si îi multumesc pe aceasta cale lui elbandido ca a avut încredere în mine la acel moment, desi eram o începatoare, ca apoi sa îmi continuui activitatea de v-mod pe parcursul a mai multor mandate. Cea mai buna perioada cred ca am avut-o in timpul mandatul de CP al Pantherutei si cel de MOD a lui Musashi-San, apoi din motive pe care multi cred ca le stiu am decis ca e timpul sa ma retrag din tot ceea ce presupune e-romania, iar impreuna cu M Bogdan am preluat acum ceva timp Furious Meerkats de care ne ocupam si la ora actuala si de care sunt foarte mandra 😃, pe alte planuri mi-am facut foarte multi prieteni dar si ceva dusmani zic eu 😃

-Crezi ca eRomania poate face un Baby-Boom(daca da il poate intretine)?
Poate ar fi posibil cu foarte multa munca, insa din pacate nu cred ca poate fi intretinut si cred ca oricine stie si de ce, avem obiceiul sa stricam intr-o secunda ce reusim sa construim intr-un an din orgoliu prostesc si lipsa educatiei

-Care este lucrul ce te tine legat de eRepublik?
Pffff, grea intrebare....
Am avut impulsul de multe ori sa renunt, doar ca am muncit si am pierdut destul de mult timp sa cresc acest cont si plus de asta mi-am facut foarte multi prieteni si am ajuns in punctul in care chiar joc acest “joc” pentru fun si ma distrez

-Cum vezi situatia actuala a eRomaniei?
Nu cunosc foarte bine situatia eRo la ora actuala, dar din ce se poate observa usor nu este intr-o situatie prea buna

-Dar situatia EDEN?
Prefer sa ma abtin

-Cum vezi alianta CTRL?
Stii expresia “In fata vopsit gardul si in spate leopardul ? ” Cam asa si cu ei.... sau poate ca nu....

-Care este cea mai frumoasa amintire dar si cea mai urata din eRepublik?
Am foarte multe amintiri frumoase, iar cele mai bune sunt cele transformate in amintiri RL
Cea mai urata pot spune ca a fost momentul in care am realizat ca foarte multi isi transpun frustrarile vietii reale in acest joc

-Ce jucator/i ai dori sa il/ii vezi in real life?
Pe cea mai mare parte din acestia i-am intalnit, ar mai fi cativa din Romania si o parte de prin alte tari, dar probabil la urmatoarea intalnire internationala o sa mai intalnesc o parte 😛

-Un sfat pentru jucatorii mai mici?
Sa fie siguri de ceea ce vad si citesc inainte sa ia o decizie si inainte “sa-si toceasca tastatura” cu cuvinte inutile

-Cum privesti aceasta intoarcere in teritoriile noastre originare?
Nu am o parere despre acest lucru, deja stim cum e sa fim “stersi si sa nu existam pe harta” asa ca orice incercare noua e o experienta noua

-Ce ai face tu pentru ca jocul sa devina mai interesant?
La ora actuala nimic

-Cum este sa fii comandantul eLBV?Cat de mult ai muncit ca sa dobandesti aceasta functie?
Este un lucru de care sunt foarte mandra si pe care cred ca l-am dobandit cu munca multa si pe merit

-Crezi ca eRomania va mai putea fi ce a fost odata?
Sincer nu prea, calitatea oamenilor este mult prea “alterata” de prea mult timp

-Niste ganduri pentru cititorii acestui ziar?
“Daca nu ?tii ce alegere sa faci, da cu banul. Raspunsul îl vei afla exact când banul este în aer.”

-Multumesc alzena pentru acest interviu.Sa ne auzim cu bine!
Multumesc si eu 🙂

Greeting dear readers!
Tonight I’ve managed to interview alzena. A most civil woman whom I highly respect for all her endeavours, past and present. All suggestions/opinions are welcomed in the comments section.

-o7 alzena, can you offer me an interview?
Hey, sure

-Tell me a little about the person behind alzena, the user.
Uhmm.. My name is Oana, I live in Brasov county and I’m a little over 31 years-old. Many more could be said, however I feel this is not the place, nor the time for it.

-How did you join eRepublik? How did you find out about this game?
I’ve heard about eRepublik since 2009 and I must admit at that time spending so much time in a game was beyond my level of comprehension. The user alzena was created in somewhat complicated circumstances in my RL, thus the first 3-4 months held little importance to me, it was mostly a way to be able to spend time on chatrooms without being kicked.

-What about your eChildhood in-game
I can’t say that I had a proper echildhood, I did not join the Nationl Guard, I grew thanks to the help I got from the people I knew. Like I said above, during the first 3-4 months I did not pay much attention to the game but then I met Simon Santo and I got to be a part of the Green Berets. During that time the game started to become more appealing and the ties formed with the my MU colleagues became so tight that in December 2010, Christmas period, I took part in my first eRep meeting, better said a mini-meet in Brasov.

-You’ve been playing for a while, how do you see eRepublik after spending so much time around?
Since I’ve joined, it has changed a lot… Don’t know whether it has been for the best or for the worst…There was a time when I was quite involved and when I would spend a lot of time online on a daily basis and probably at that time I could have had more to say on the matter.

-What would you say your achievements are and what would you brag about with?
I’m not sure if I have any notable achievements and I don’t think the purpose of this game is to do something just so you can brag about it afterwards, but I believe I can be proud of the way I’ve led my MU and I’m glad we could form a family if I may say so. When talking about involvement beyond my MU borders, everything started during Cronoss’ term as CP. He chose me to be a part of the Ministry of Education alongside Waymilky, then the next month marked the beginning of my v-MoD activity and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank elbandido who had faith in me at that time, although I was quite the newb, and then I got the the chance to continue my v-MoD career during several terms. The best time for me was, I think, during Blackpanther76’s CP and Musashi_san’s MoD term. Afterwards due to reasons many should be aware of, I decided it was time to to take a step back from everything eRomania had to do with and with M Bogdan I took over Furious Meerkats which we see about today and of which I’m very proud. On a different level I’ve made a lot of friends, but also quite a few enemies if you ask me.

-Do you think eRomania can manage a Baby-Boom?( if so, can it be sustained?)
Maybe it would be possible with a lot of work, however I feel it can’t be sustained unfortunately, and I believe it’s obvious to pretty much anyone why. We have the habit of ruining in a heart beat what we manage to achieve in a whole year out of sheer dumb ego and lack of education.

-What would you say keeps you close to eRepublik?
Pfff, tough question..
I’ve had the urge to quit many times, but it’s just that I’ve worked so hard and I’ve spent so much time developing this account and besides I’ve made so many friends that I’ve reached the point where I play this “game” for fun and I’m having fun while doing so.

-What’s your take on eRomania’s current situation?
I’m not really familiar with it, but what’s quite easy to see is that is not that bright.

-What about EDEN?
I’d rather refrain myself.

-What do you think about CTRL?
Are you familiar with the “painted fence in front and the leopard behind” (Romanian) saying? That could very well apply to them… or maybe not…

-What’s your best eRepublik related memory? But your worst?
I have a lot of great memories and the best are the ones that were turned into RL memories. I could say the worst one is related to the moment I realized most people bring their RL frustrations in-game.

-Which player/s would you like to meet RL?
Most of them I’ve already met, however there may still be a few both from Romania and abroad, but most likely I’d meet some of them at the next international eRep meeting.

-A piece of advice for the younger players?
To be sure about what they see and read before making any decisions and before tormenting their keyboards with useless words.

-What do you think about returning to the core regions?
Nothing much, we already know how it’s like to be erased so any new atempt represents a new experience.

-What would you do to make the game more interesting?
At this time, nothing.

-What’s it like to be the Green Berets’ commander? How much effort did you have to put into obtaining this position?
It’s something that I’m very proud of and I feel it’s well deserved as I’ve worked very hard.

-Do you believe eRomania can be again what it once was?
Not really honestly, the quality of the people it’s been far too tainted for far too long.

-Any thoughts for this paper’s readers?
“If you’re unsure about a choice you need to make, flip a coin. The answer will come to you while the coin is in mid-air.”

-Thank you alzena for this interview. Wish you all the best!
Thank you too.