[Interview series]eNorway´s Citizens Part VIII: Grabarzstg|Poland

Day 2,385, 17:08 Published in Norway Norway by MrManiac

Hello eNorway, Hello rest of the eWorld.

Our guest for the 8th part of this series is Grabarzstgfrom Poland.

Personal Part:

1. First Name:




3.How do you spend your free time:

I'm watching anime and write some apps


IT Programmer

5.Favorite Singer/Ban😛


6.Favorite Song:

„Los Cebula i Krokodyle Łzy” in english: „Fate Onions and Crocodile Tears „

7.Fav Movie/Series:

Iron Man 😃

8.What are you afraid of?

Grim Guy Toperz (my friend from university)

9.Best way for somebody to put a smile on your face:

good joke or funny trolling 😛

10.Why are you playing erepublik?

Hmm. I always wanted to start my own business abroad.

11.What other games do you play?

World of Tanks & Hearts of Iron

RL Country Part:

1.Your RL Country:


2.What do you like best about your country/what are you proud of?

Best thing I like is human solidarity when situation in country is difficult. This causes that I'm proud of history of my country.

3.What do you hate/like least about your country?

I hate in my country one thing: hard work isn't respectively rewarded.

4.Where do you see big differences between your country and Norway?

Hmm. Polish people are more hot-blooded Norwegians.

5.Which traditional food from Poland should all eNorwegians try?

“Bigos”: tasty cabbage-based dish with vegetables, mushrooms, sausage and smoked meat;

6.Which traditional food should we avoid?

“Flaczki” (Beef tripe): beef bone broth with chunks of tripe, meat and vegetables

7.Your favorite tradition in Polan😛

Long weekend in the first days of May

8.Most beautiful part of your country?

I like to visit beautiful, natural places when I can do some activities, so I'll invite you into Mazuria.

9.A great book/writer from Poland everybody should rea😛

Stories about Witcher by Andrew Sapkowski

10. What are people from your country really good at?

I think that we have very good programmists in my country (and abroad of course) 😛

11.The biggest idiot in your country is:

IDIOTS – politicians.

12.Teach us a saying from Polan😛

„Kto pod kim dołki kopie, ten sam w nie wpada” - „If you dig a hole under someone – you will surely fall in them”. „Hole” in this saying means interrupting someone in eg. career.

13.Teach us a typical swear word from Polan😛

I think, it should be „kurwa”. It means „bitch”, but is usually used as way to express bad emotions.

14. Anything you would like to add?

Don't be mad for Poles 😉

Thank you for your time, Grab 🙂

Up next: Stakeraue from Norway

Don´t forget to rea😛
PartI - Xibbard|The Netherlands
PartII - Tangerine Dream|Greece
PartIII: Snohetta|Turkey
Part IV: Read Beard the Scotsman|Scotland
Part V: Joshua Morriseau|Canada
Part VI: Furious Tank|Bulgaria
Part VII: drru|Ukraine